Serious question

I'm a massive fan of Denis Villeneuve - Sicario and Enemy are two of the best films I've ever seen and Incendies was also very strong.

This though - I just can't understand the love for it. I saw it in the cinema when it first came out and in a review I wrote at the time, I described it as: "dreary, macabre, long, tiresome and utterly nonsensical. Quite frustrating in fact! Good acting is the only plus."

Years on, and having seen Veilleneuve's more recent work, I feel compelled to ask myself if perhaps I misjudged it, and ought to give it another try.

What do you think? Did any of you have problems with this film, whilst nothing but love for his others? I think Sicario and Enemy just function on so many levels, and they're shot with such incredible artistry and gravitas. I couldn't stop thinking about either of them, and could rewatch them anytime. But I remember this one being so...disappointing!

Thoughts? What am I missing?


I don't think you miss anything. It's a good movie because it asks interesting questions and, as you said, has good acting. However, the pacing isn't everyone's cup of tea, some parts of it are (intentionally) frustrating and it doesn't end with clear winners. So, depending on what you ask of a film and your mood, it can be hit or miss.

And I have to say, even though I think it's a good film, I am never gonna watch it a second time. Once you know what will happen it becomes painful to sit through, as if you are a prisoner yourself.


Well I don't think I've seen one bad review of it yet really. So you do the math. (Aka you're not a good judge of movies) ;-)
