MovieChat Forums > Prisoners (2013) Discussion > Come on, 5 more freaking minutes!

Come on, 5 more freaking minutes!

Seriously, it's pretty obvious that Loki found Dove, but couldn't they just add a last scene rescuing him? Did their budget ended with that whistle?

It seems like every movie does that nowadays, for no reason.
I don't need to know if he goes to jail or not, since I'm sure he will accept his punishment that he knows he deserves, but seiously, just add a quick scene where we can see Loki moving the car and opening the hole! That's it! That's all the movie is missing! A freaking conclusion!

Because at least in prison and at least in death, you know, I wouldn't be in *beep* Bruges.


My thoughts. I was like 'what the... 2 more min for a proper ending!'.

You should add a spoiler warning.

Lincoln Lee: I lost a partner.
Peter Bishop: I lost a universe!


My god you people need to be spoonfed with every information. Cant some things be left for the viewer? "But i want to know how it ends!" No, you are just too lazy to figure it out on your own


It's not laziness, because when they end movies like that there IS no answer to figure out. It's just simply someone's opinion, now.


Spoiler warning? Who the heck reads reviews BEFORE watching a movie?!!


No, it ended exactly how it should have ended. We don't need to see Loki save Keller to know that Loki saved Keller. The ending was perfect.

"This life's hard, man, but it's harder if you're stupid!"


the ending was really nice the way it did.


I agree once he made out the whistle it was obvious what they were getting at since the last conversation in the hospital featured talk of the whistle.


It's not a given that Loki saved him. From what I recall, Loki heard the whistle a couple or three times, shook his head thinking he was just imagining it, and walked away.


Seriously, it's pretty obvious that Loki found Dove, but couldn't they just add a last scene rescuing him? Did their budget ended with that whistle?

I can't believe this bothers so many people. 

"I offered him a lateral move to Austin." "That's like a duck making a lateral move to a l'Orange!"


My issue is that overused "sudden cut off" when there is absolutely no reason to do so.

Because at least in prison and at least in death, you know, I wouldn't be in *beep* Bruges.


I totally agree with you.. yes sometimes it's nice to leave it to the viewer but in this movie it was irritating and for no reason..


This is certainly not an ending that would be qualified as "open-ended;" if you want to see a REAL lazily written, open-ended film go rent Sound of My Voice. That will irritate the hell out of you! It was very apparent at the end that Jake heard a whistling sound and they zoom in on his face as he becomes more and more bewildered. (Remember, this was a notoriously clever detective who always left "no stone unturned.")

They didn't show the scene where he actually finds and physically rescues Alex... it just fades to black in a similar fashion as the ending, so I think the closing scene was pretty self-explanatory.

When there is no more room on IMDB, the trolls shall wheel to 4chan.


So, why didn't they shoot a proper freaking ending, leaving "no stone unturned" like the detective?

Because at least in prison and at least in death, you know, I wouldn't be in *beep* Bruges.


Like I mentioned, they didn't show the scene where he actually FINDS Alex in the locked-up shower; the scene just fades to black and minutes later we are certainly made aware of the fact that Loki found and rescued him. Maybe this is just the director's personal style. As I said, please go rent Sound of My Voice, or many other "artsy" independent films of late for reference on what actually makes a REAL open-ended scene that is completely unsatisfying to the viewer.

When there is no more room on IMDB, the trolls shall wheel to 4chan.


Look, I'm agreeing with you, I didn't say that it was an open ending, I just said that they didn't shoot the ending scene for no reason. It would be acceptable to present it like this if it were an open-ended movie, but it's not. The ending is conclusive, just hidden - again, for no reason.

Because at least in prison and at least in death, you know, I wouldn't be in *beep* Bruges.


Because that would insult the intelligence of the audience. Don't be a dumbass


Yeah, not to mention, in order to setup the ending, they had to create a slightly dubious situation for it.
Think about this, the cops go to the house and simply start attempting to dig frozen ground in a random place. Then they say, "Well this isn't working, lets go home". You seriously mean to tell me they wouldn't extensively search the property of a known child abductor/murderer, including the cars, and spot the large sheet of metal just lying there on the ground covering the hole? There could have been more kids there ffs, they wouldn't just go home. Yet they wrote it into the script so we could get the very last minute turnaround of him hearing the whistle.


I think the ending was fine, like it leaves it for us to decide what happens. Also if we saw loki find wolverine then we'd want to see if he was imprisoned, the trial etc......



I'm totally fine with non-formulatic endings, but this movie's ending was missing the conclusive shot - it could be just Loki moving the car and looking through the hole, that's all!

Because at least in prison and at least in death, you know, I wouldn't be in *beep* Bruges.


Sometimes asking for 5 minutes ain't such a good idea


Okay. 5 more minutes to review this movie. This movie is called, "Prisoners." Ya gotta have them else the movie would betray its title. There are a number of them in the movie and they all makes misteaks and they all get punished. That's what I learned from the movie. For example, the father gets caught in a moral dilemma. He does something wrong and right at the same time. So he must be punished else the movie lacks integrity. He gets the same punishment (or pretty close) that the victim of his wrong gets.

The detective doesn't do well either. He detects (or will detect) but too late to avoid consequences. Just as an aside, too bad the father didn't tweet "SOS" code on that whistle. ... my five minutes are up.


Come on, 5 more freaking minutes!

This movie is called, "Prisoners."

You could have had them rescue Keller and end the movie with him and Franklin in prison.. As "Prisoners."
