MovieChat Forums > Prisoners (2013) Discussion > Spoiler** Innocent or Legally Not Respon...

Spoiler** Innocent or Legally Not Responsible

I don't know how folks can say that Alex was innocent of any wrongdoing. We all agree that he knew that his aunt were holding those girls. He knew that he lied to police about not seeing them. He knew that harm would come to them if they were not found in time. He refused to answer questions when pleaded to by Keller and Nancy. He tried to run when cornered by police and when released by Nancy. He knew he had done something wrong.

Even if we can say that he had some mental deficiency, he knew the difference between right and wrong. Yet he still chose to allow the children's parents to suffer and to withhold what could have been life-saving information. Whether it was because he feared his aunt or had some type of need to protect her, he must have known what she was doing was wrong. To be complicit in her wrongdoing belies any conclusion of innocence on his part.

Now whether he would be considered legally not guilty because of his mental retardation is a different matter. But he is certainly not "innocent" in any sense of the word. And while I don't condone Alex's torture or any kind kind of vigilantism in general, I can certainly understand why Keller did it, especially in what he considered a life-or-death situation where time was of the essence.

But if Alex had no idea where the girls were, or if he was physically unable to verbalize where they were, or if he had been truthful to the police then I could agree that he was completely innocent and Keller should get the maximum prison sentence. However, if Keller survives that pit, I think only a light prison sentence would be appropriate. And if I were on that jury, I would be hard pressed to convict him at all due to the extenuating circumstances. I would figure that he had suffered enough.


If Keller had "suffered enough," what about Alex? TOrtured for days by beatings and cold/scalding water torture? They don't even do that at Gitmo (far as we know).

It depends on the role Alex played. He said he just played with the girls. Someone was supposed to return but didn't. He then drove them to Holly/Aunt's house, where she took over. Alex knew it was wrong, but must've been brainwashed for years to not reveal it. Note that he doesn't know his own identity, though he does tell Keller "I'm not Alex," but can't verbalize further.

I suspect he would not stand trial, due to mental incompetence. He might end up institutionalized, at least 'til he regains some of his real identity and some capacity to live outside it.

Keller, knowingly kidnapped and falsely imprisoned someone, beat and tortured them. I'd guess even with a sympathetic jury, he'd get 5 years. Out in 2 1/2 with good behavior. THe kidnapping charge, though, is federal.

Given the permanent effects of his actions, he'd also be vulnerable to a big lawsuit in favor of Alex/Barry.

I wonder what state the two girls would end up in, given the lasting debilitation of that drug they got.

As an aside, I wondered why Auntie didn't push the plunger on the syringe. She already had it inserted into the girl's arm. Maybe a last-minute tinge of guilt or even remorse?


The huge problem is that the Aunt is also his kidnapper and abuser who has groomed him over years and years of his life. He has probably seen other kids who got it worse because he told someone something wrong, and then the abusers would have to move up the time table on killing the kids. He probably knew all of this somewhere, but didn't know how to clearly explain it to cops or someone torturing him.


Loki states that Alex has the mind of a 10 year old. I think if in the film we saw an actual 10 year old boy, who'd been kidnapped, abused and brainwashed by the Holly Jones, then there would be no question that the boy was a fellow victim, even if he did lie to the police or withheld evidence. Alex Jones may have been physically an adult but he still had the mind of a child and a traumatized child in that situation would not be prosecuted. They'd be rescued and then put into therapy. Which is probably what happened to Alex after Loki found him.
