Two Plot Holes

Recently re-watched this movie. I really like it and the cinematography and acting is top notch, however I noticed a couple of plot holes this time that bugged me, both at the end of the movie.

When Keller confronts Mrs. Jones at the end, and she pulls a gun on him... why did he make no attempt to bargain with her to trade Alex for his daughter? Granted, knowing that Alex was one of her victims and not actually her nephew, it seems clear that it would not have worked, but as far as Keller knew that was the only card he had to play, so it seems like a flaw in the writing that he just gave up and went along with her demands without trying to bargain.

The other one is: what the hell happened to Keller's truck? It seems to have vanished into thin air.


Keller said he didn't like to harm her, so we know he basically came there to confront her, not negotiate. That's why he carried a gun in his bag and you even admit it wouldn't have worked. He had nothing to negotiate with. He knew that. You knew that. So why make it a plot hole in your mind?

About Keller's truck. It did not vanish into thin air. You see Holly Jones drive the truck away from her house right after she's driven the Trans Am back over the hole in which Dover lies in. Again not a plot hole. You just didn't pay enough attention.

So to sum it up, these are not plot holes. The word plot hole gets thrown around too often. Like it's some kind of prestige to "find" plot holes. The problem is that they usually aren't plot holes, just people not paying enough attention.

Caesar. Is. Home.
