Loki is such a hero

He was my favorite character anyway, but I showed this to my friend last night, and the scene where the Chief is telling him to get over to Holly Jones' house to tell her about the tortured Alex, my friend said aloud "yes! Go!! Please go! Save everyone!" As we talked about it afterwards, we discussed all of the characters in depth and Loki kept coming up. I love his character - he's an unconventional hero, for sure - and I'm so glad that they had someone like him in the movie rather than a bumbling cop or some cocky detective who crowds up the screen. Loki gives you someone to root for, someone you want to be there when stuff goes down, someone you're pulling for to come out on top in the end, whereas Keller's entire story line, while enthralling, is a mess of moral dilemma that's stressful and you're unsure whether you want him to win or not. We talked about Loki's eye twitch giving the impression that he never sleeps, how the movie we see that his life basically revolves around his job, and we felt bad for him, and yet thank God that there was someone like him, that there are people like him, who give that up so that other people can live more safely and happily.


Rumors once had it that there'd be another movie starring Detective Loki. I hope it's true, cause he could definitely carry a movie especially with Gyllenhaal reprising it again. I agree btw. He's a fresh take on the detective persona and you actually root form him. He's not displayed as a drunk or any other cliché as you mention. I often don't like crime stories, cause the protagonist is always a cliché with some overused mishap or dilemma. Loki was different. Prisoners was different. Been one of my favorites now since I saw it when it premiered.

Caesar. Is. Home.


That would be cool, but only if Jake Gyllenhaal returns, and Denis too. I'm always a little nervous when they give a character that I like a sequel of sorts, in case they take them in the wrong direction, but I'm confident that between the two of them it would be just as good. As it is, though, I'm content with what we got.


Agreed. Gyllenhaal and Villeneuve should both return if it happened and I'd like the script to be written by the writer of Prisoners too and have Roger Deakins on cinematography again too. There's actually a follow up to Villeneuve's Sicario coming very soon. I'm wondering how it will turn out.

Caesar. Is. Home.
