MovieChat Forums > The Hunger Games (2012) Discussion > So there's 17 Battle Royale related thre...

So there's 17 Battle Royale related threats on the opening page.

This amused me.

That is all.

There are two kinds of people in the world, those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.



and they are all pretty much total bull.

Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain (Isaac Asimov)



and it is bull to suggest to that Collins copied something that wasn't available for her to copy.
Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain (Isaac Asimov)



perhaps but the releases you describe and some of them are doubtful came years after the original Japanese release and after The Hunger Games. Collin's could still have not see BR before she wrote her book.
Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain (Isaac Asimov)


From 'After writing the novel, Collins signed a six-figure deal for three books with Scholastic in 2006'. Let's give her a year writing time. Tartan Asia Extreme dvd version came out in 2002.


. "Tartan Asia Extreme dvd version came out in 2002."

and when was this DVD released in the United States if it has.

Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain (Isaac Asimov)


when was this DVD released in the United States if it has.

2002. Tartan Films, released an all-region NTSC DVD version of the film that was available in North America. Tower Records as well used to sell a special edition DVD of the film in North America.

Suzanne Collins has said that she had never seen the movie or read the book before she wrote the The Hunger Games & I do believe her. My main point is you saying it's impossible for her to have seen it before she wrote The Hunger Games. That argument is just complete crap.


true that edition was released but available only through specialty outlets. Not general distribution. it was not until March 12, 2012 that a general release was issued. So I stand by my statement. she could not have seen it.

Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain (Isaac Asimov)


You'r quite correct Pete. Now Tartan Asia Extreme did release a DVD in 1999, but I'll be frank I don't think that was ever released in the US. The marketer for the present DVD for BR is quite specific that it is the first release of the film. The film was never shown on US TV. It was shown Once on Channel 4 here in the UK. Tower Records went bankrupt in 2006 and all of it's chain shops were closed then, There is no record of a Tower Record shop ever being in Connecticut, there was one in New Jersey. There seemingly was plans for it to reopen with a base in Vancouver but it has never happened. I can't find any stockists for Tartan Films in the US.

I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so.


Even her first works were a retelling of a known story. Changed things up a little, moved things around, changed names but key points and concepts were ripped from another work, which was quite famous so she had to admit this. But she thought she could get away with this one underestimating the amount of people taht had seen and knew about Battle Royale.

It is quite well known to most avid film goers.

She is a known hack, twice now hackery has reared its head with this woman.


"It is quite well known to most avid film goers."

that's funny.

Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain (Isaac Asimov)


Seems so because plenty of people called her up on it when Hunger Games was released.

Your average film goer who frequents movies like Transformers, the latest Die Hard and Turtles may not know it but as we have seen most people in the know about film are aware of it.

Andim pretty sure the internet was available in Suzanne Collins area at the time when she was doing "research" when preparing to write her second retelling of a known story, just like she did with "the Underland Chronicles".

But she was smart enough to realise she couldn't get away with pretending she had never heard of "Alice in Wonderland" when releasing her first retelling to the public.

A pattern has emerged. Two stories following similar patterns. change things up a little and daddaaa, call it your own.


"Seems so because plenty of people called her up on it when Hunger Games was released."

some made the complaint but not that many really. it only seems like a lot because they are so vocal. they disrupt everything and make it seem like a lot when there are only a few.

The internet may have been available for Collins but judging by her lack of knowledge regarding soil types, it would appear she did little research. Had she done so she would have placed 11 in the Midwest rather than the south.

Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain (Isaac Asimov)


Why should I listen to a sad little man like you Pete.

A lifeless ghoul.

Your opinions are tainted with the tears of your empty and tortured soul.


now that's funny. you're a good comedian.

Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain (Isaac Asimov)


I would call your life a comedy but in reality its quite sad.

You really are a sad individual. Its hard to mix in with it because if you spend enough time in the dirt you get dirty and im starting to feel dirty again wallowing in the mire with you and your long time cohorts.


"long time cohorts."

even funnier

Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain (Isaac Asimov)


That was quick no lifer. Bet your refresh button has worn away with all its use.

Yes your long time cohorts, Summeriris is one.

Long time as in, you have been here since 2012 or maybe more. That's at least 2 years coming up on 3 years.

Setting up the damage control fort, jumping into every Battle Royale thread for a good old interwebz argument. How great life must be for you pecking out the same tired old responses with your claw hands for nearly 3 years. Same old arguments, same old discussions, same old board.

At first glanse you would look like a guy who just walked in and voice opinion but in reality you are a long time troll, living under the bridge waiting for people to come accross to argue with them. Like a mouse on a crumb, jumping into every Battle Royale thread for 2 whole years.  Laying out your well worn responses as if they are the first time.

Is the mindless, endless repetition of copy and paste answers not soul destroying or is this all you have in life, the defender of Collins? 

I know people are called sad for being interwebz no lifers, spending the majority of their free time pecking away at their dirty keyboards, I can understand that, sorta, some people like the web, Reddit, forums, feeling the need to throw their opinions into the void thinking its important and people will hear, but you are taking it to a new level my friend.

Does this repetition not get you down or is it all you have? Hunger Games long time fort dweller.

Wonder whats in it for you, what yo get out of it. Dont tell me because I will feel quite saddened and have to shower, dirt, wallowing in mire too long etc


first get your facts straight
"Setting up the damage control fort, jumping into every Battle Royale thread for a good old interwebz argument"

since Nov 22 I've participated in 3 BR threads. out of 17. hardly every one.

"Long time as in, you have been here since 2012 or maybe more. That's at least 2 years coming up on 3 years."
"Same old arguments, same old discussions, same old board."

I've been on the boards for 14 years. THG boards are only a few of those I have participated in. since Nov 22 I've participated in 10 different boards with GoT being the big one.

do yourself a favor and put me on ignore. I won't bother because you are not that important to me.

Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain (Isaac Asimov)


Everything you do is just, righteous and worthy kicking in.

"since Nov 22 I've participated in 3 BR threads. out of 17. hardly every one. "

LoL But still a resident of the fort, big chunk of postings since then are here, coming to almost 3 years now. Do you not get bored? Are you not tired of the same old repetitious arguments you have gone over countless times in the last 3 years?

You have probably posted in more threads since Nov 22 than I have in years. Because some people have a life.

When your posting history page 8 barely gets out of a month and my page 8 goes to 2008 you know there is something not quite right.

And I will probably post here then not post for a year not a care in the world. And just like now I will look back in another 2 years and you will still be holding argument fort with summeriris tapping out age old responses as if its your first time like a damage control pro.

"I've been on the boards for 14 years."

Still no sign of letting up, get a life, looks like you spend most of your free time on IMDB by your history and I presume other website boards throwing your opinion into the void, interwebz argeuments etc staring outside while tapping the refresh button to quickly respond to that argument which makes you feel a little better about things, staring out of the window watching the world and your life pass by.

It amounts to nothing, winning interwebz arguemnts means nothing, its empty, nobody cares you are doing this, Suzanne Collins wont give a hoot and certainly wont send you a letter of thanks for the immense work you have contributed to on here.

See your children or grandchildren instead of dwelling in this mire of arguments that mean nothing, that nobody will read. Go watch another god awful Elizabeth Berkeley film, just get a life before its too late. You are stuck in a serious rut.

"do yourself a favor and put me on ignore. I won't bother because you are not that important to me."

Because I am holding a looking glass up to your face?


"watching the world and your life pass by."

right now I am involved in research that has the potential to eliminate our dependence on China for rare earths. I feel good about my life and what I do. It is full and rewarding and has some significance. can you truly say the same.

Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain (Isaac Asimov)


Last worditis I see, and a very poor retort I may add.

"Right now I am involved in research that has the potential to eliminate our dependence on China"

And I flew through a wormhole near Saturn this morning.

Shame about the hours, days, months and years you dont spend saving the Earth, trolling Hunger Games IMDB boards and general interwebz addiction sad man.


Wow, I do hope the landing was gentle? You really can't afford much more harm to come to your head Than there has been already.

I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so.


My take? Bravo!

I hope this sets a very important precedent for the US film industry. I find that in certain US films if entire Hollywood movies themselves are not copied, plot point elements or dialogue snippets are. I find it absolutely delightful that a Hollywood production is pursuing a multi-million dollar slap on the wrist. Patent attorneys should look retrospectively at other offenders and do the same. There is no excuse for such shoddy, soulless and ultimately immoral filmmaking. It's repulsive that so much money is made off such blatant theft.

Credit source films, their screenwriters and producers and stop passing off unoriginal material as your own!!!


Called out 2013, 2014, called out 2015, see if summeriris and pete can make it to 2016, 2017 and 2018.


She wrote the Gregor series which was her take on Alice in Wonderland, she said so. It's quite well known for authors to take inspiration from the classics. I saw an anime version of Jane Austen's P&P on Amazon yesterday. So please don't act like the Japanese don't do anythng like that. I've seen Kurasawa's 'Ran'. And as she had never heard of BR I rather doubt that she gave a few rabid Otaku. And saying that BR was well known to avid film fans is just ludicrous. For one thing it was never in a position to be seen by any avid film fans.

And the only one who is committing hackery around here is you, how many other Otaku fans have you ripped off to make your post. Well not that many really, there isn't that many around. But you do have a lot of names to go under.

Your big problem is that you keep running up against the reality of BR's 'exposure' to an audience, it had none.

I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so.


Your big problem is that you keep running up against the reality of BR's 'exposure' to an audience, it had none.
Actually BR fandom is a worldwide phenomenon, while this ripoff isn't really known outside of america. Its sort of like a made for tv miniseries but somehow it ended up in movie theatres.


Tartan Asia Extreme did release a DVD in 1999, but I'll be frank I don't think that was ever released in the US. The marketer for the present DVD for BR is quite specific that it is the first release of the film. The film was never shown on US TV. It was shown Once on Channel 4 here in the UK. Tower Records went bankrupt in 2006 and all of it's chain shops were closed then, There is no record of a Tower Record shop ever being in Connecticut, there was one in New Jersey. There seemingly was plans for it to reopen with a base in Vancouver but it has never happened. I can't find any stockists for Tartan Films in the US.



No one when to see it beyond the core fanbase, that's the problem.

Average viewers had the movie spoiled for them by viewings of Battle Royale 2: Reqieum, as it happened even to me, formerly one of Suzanne Collins staunchest defenders...


Do you mean Battle Royale 2: Requiem which was made into a film with Tatsuya Fujiwara? Yeah, it's basically the same but with caucasians assuming the the original roles. A cross between that and the Twilight series.. Nothing's original nowadays



It was on TV all the time in the 2000s


No, it wasn't and you can't name a TV station or channel that will confirm your claim.

I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so.


Its playing on TNT even as speak.


I got the manga from a store in the midwest called "babages"

To me, the manga version of Battle royale is best. The bad teacher is cooler and meaner there and there is also a lot of detail to all the persons.

One thing I like more about Battle royal is that its more focused on the whole group, while in "The hunger games" the most other participants are extras and rarely seen in the actual thing.


Those of you guys arguing BATTLE ROYALE 2 is or is not Fukasaku idea need to know the field more.

There are rarely movie ideas by the director themselves. the material of BATTLE ROYALE 2 is gathered by the production company Toei. It is the company that gathers the director, script, and crew that makes it into a good movie.

Of course Fukasaku has certain power over the scripts he want to direct, but he did not come up with the story and the script. However, the important thing is - Production company Toei DID buy the right to make the novel from Takami Kousen (the person who came up with the story). Now the story rights belong to Production company Toei.

I give credits to Fukasaku and Production Toei of previsualizing the script as a kick ass potential to become what is know the Jury Winner of Cannes 2000.

Recent news is Hollywood made a remake of BATTLE ROYALE 2's less-than-stellar sequel. We know that, plus the story, characters and the plot looks 98% similar. Producers of Toei decaired they have their eyes on this issue, and made clear that they did not sell any remake rights except to Universal of USA. They can not initiate any action until they have reviewed the final product.


big-budget Battle Royale remake film had all the chances of becoming a spectacular film that would be faithful to the original books written by Kousen Takami. Instead, what we get is mostly just the first third of the book expanded into an emoes-at-hogwarts film that is not entirely bad in its presentation inna TV-movie sort of way, but not what I would go to see this in the theaters for. The last tow thirds of Battle Royale's elements and characters are entirely left out, possibly for a sequel film but who knows, leaving us with a dumbed-down adaptation designed mostly to get people in the theater seats to watch it. The 2000 Toei version was much better at handling the entire story, compressed as it was for the amount of screen time the studio could afford to show it in.


It's called spam, repetitive posts of the same basic message.


Do you think it's a coordinated effort? 

There are two kinds of people in the world, those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.


Do you think it's a coordinated effort?

Yes: in a manner of speaking.
There actually aren't that many individual trolls involved: the few there are use multiple IDs (we've caught them out before, when they've forgotten which particular "user" they were meant to be at the time ).
There have been recent cases - especially on the "Mockingjay Part 1" board - of threads consisting mainly of trolls replying to themselves...


Ah, now I'm slightly less amused.  I naively assumed there were some organic elements at play.

There are two kinds of people in the world, those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.


Lol Probably because 17 people saw just saw Battle Royale for the first time.
