Great Movie

I was expecting a syfy type abysmal effort with dire cgi, but was pleasantly surprised. One of the creatures in this is really scary, and I haven't seen that good a creature since Alien!


which creature?
I forced myself to sit through the first thirty minutes of this movie, I reached for the remote to turn it off every time that really annoying young girl spoke (I think it was Jen) but after she was killed off i ended up sort of enjoying it, my sister gave up on it and went to bed, but by the end of it i can honestly say, it wasn't that bad.


you should be banned from watching movies


In that case he can still watch this crap.


Oh come on guy ...what are you the director or something this film had me so annoyed i almost smashed my TV..
the acting was terrible but even that pales in comparision to the script which put diaologue in their mouths that no sane person person would say,i was actually rooting for the creatures most of thetime hoping they would kill everyone off so i wouldnt have to watch any more of this nonsense ...


that seems to be the general point of this kind of movies: just make the viewer so sick of lousy "characters" that he can't wait for them to die in a most unhumane way possible...


Come on people, stop thinking you're so superior... The movie is not bad at all. The acting was awful, indeed and ruined most of it. But the idea, the make up and the effects were more than ok.


I have to agree with aletannu above, and say this wasn't all bad. I have seen much much worse.
Sure, this movie contained not only a few, but a handfull of those "what were they thinking?"-moments. Like when a soldier stabs a creature in the head with a knife and you can see the rubber prop knife wobble, or when they use the same corridor flipped upsidedown to make it look like another passageway, or the very first scene were some kind of commander and some tech guys are talking infront of some computer screens and makes it look like a sci-fi from the 70's.

When it is time to vote, this movie is still very much dragged down by its many flaws. But lets not forget what was good with it either:
* The monsters aren't half bad actually. This monster is not CG as in many other zombie/monster movies, which is a huge plus. The monster actually looks scary and looks real even in close up scenes. That is above average for the straight to DVD monster movies nowdays.
* The general mood in the film, the "fight for your life"-feeling is there sometimes and at those moments I was more forgiving when it came to strange dialogue and flat characters. You really have to watch this for what it is and not comparing it to movies that had much higher budget.
* Quite a few of the soldiers acting felt pretty convincing at times, even though the dialogue were cliche. Give them a break, they didn't have much raw material to do character development on. So based on the input, the output isn't all that bad.
