

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


You know these posts are really starting to get old. I certainly hope that anyone with half a brain will read the other threads about the leaked version and how it was edited and that NOBODY can fairly give a comment, review or bashing of the film UNTIL they have seen it the way it was meant to be seen.... UN-CUT! Now to the best of my knowledge, trust me on this one, the un-cut has yet to be released, pressed up, screened or leaked in any way shape or form!

This is like commenting on a football game when all you got to see was the half time entertainment!

In all fairness, maybe you saw the cut version and assumed it to be the final edit.
It is not and there is no argument for you here, trust me. Unless anyone of these people can give an accurate description of ANY of the gore, your opinion is MOOT!

The other guy (in a previous thread) told me he paid for it and also claimed it to be the un-cut version so I asked him where he bought it..... Still I wait.



You can think what you want, but you're still wrong. I've seen many a workprint of masterpieces, turn the film into a complete piece of *beep*



You must not watch many films..

30 seconds can make or break a film. 20 minutes+ is an entirely different movie.



It's easy for you to make statements like this from behind a keyboard, because you're one of these e-tough guy scumbags.. But trust me, the claim you've made is not only impossible to prove, but it's straight up impossible.



Hey Shawsava! Thanks for posting on this thread but you simply cannot argue with someone who has "watched many more movies than you" because they are always right in their own mind. Obviously some people are experts at the art of making movies and I'll be sure to get on that rewrite and reshoot the whole shebang as soon as I can. Because obviously that is THE answer from a true pro! Lol...

Your friend,

"How about 68 and I owe you 1?" Street Trash



You certainly have a high opinion of yourself. Have you ever considered that it's you that sucks? Maybe you have piss-poor taste in movies?

I think that's fairly likely.



Trust me dude, you're doing everything right, and doing it for love of the genre. I know you don't plan on it, but don't change a damn thing, because you've got a huge audience out there that's thirsting for these kind of films. I know I pimp Gutterballs and Live Feed out anytime I have company over checking out my massive DVD collection.

Anyway, just wanted to say, those of us out there with our heads exterior from our anuses love what you do, and I'm chomping at the bits to finally get to see Hanger.

Thanks, from an aspiring filmmaker.



Thank you, for exposing yourself as the troll that you are, and saving me from exerting the energy to do it for you.

Now we all know that your opinions can be discarded, and carry on with actual conversation, and not have to mess around with children, like yourself.



Obviously this troll will keep going and going on with his senseless banter for eternity because that's what trolls do simply because they have the time on their hands and the hate in their heart.
Let's not give him anymore logic to hate on. I suggest we let this thread die a quick death right now and let the troll go onto another board to ramble on about nothing much.

"How about 68 and I owe you 1?" Street Trash



When the movie is released Nov. 17th in North America, I have a feeling there will be more people posting on these boards. The movie has had little to no press and no one has seen even a screener of Hanger. It's not like my last movie that hit the net way before the DVD release. I'm not the kind of person that tries to hype my movies up. I just let people find it out for themselves. You do have a valid point about the threads, they are slow but we'll see what happens when it comes out. I don't think this MSG brd is slow because people think the movie sucks. I know how well viewers such as yourself love to hate. You admit that yourself.

"How about 68 and I owe you 1?" Street Trash



You may even learn how to interact with humans when your put your teenage years behind you. Now, come on, come up with one more clever little post to boost your practically non-existent self esteem. I don't hate you, I pity you.



Feel better? Will that 8 seconds of an ego boost keep the gun out of your mouth tonight?



That's it man, get it all out of your system. You can be whoever you want on the internet.




Great, I've been arguing with a 12 year old this whole time.


And in this corner.......



thanks for the entertaining read!

i declare "shawsava" the loser here.

"keep a gun out of your mouth tonight." again, wow. that's pretty pathetic to even say something like that to another human being.

that being said...

first off, i'm a huge fan of "gutterballs."

"hanger" is fairly terrible. i felt like i was watching a really poorly executed troma film. that's saying something, as 90% of troma films are total garbage.

i'm not saying this to be a dick or anything. i was really looking forward to "hanger." as i sat there watching it, i felt like i was watching a retarded 10 year old's short story assignment for his special ed class.

i wasn't offended by the content, language, jokes. in fact, i love dirty morbid stuff.

it simply was poorly made, poorly acted, and was trying way too hard to be outrageous. instead, it comes off as plain idiotic and mindless. the masturbation scene was so pointless and lame. that's weird to even say as the chick was hot, but that's how pointles it was.

a gigantic step back from "gutterballs." a large step back from "live feed." a small step ahead of "torched," which is almost unwatchable it's so terrible.


I sort of expected some "I was a fan of Gutterballs but this..." comments.
Hanger was a completely different thing and that has been stated repeatedly but people still go into expecting something Gutterballesque....

Hang on till "Star Vehicle" is released. I think any fans of GB that are confused, disappointed or just "not amused" by Hanger will enjoy SV. You can check the plotdigger site for more info, clips and stills from Star Vehicle.

Thanks for at least giving it the time of day and hope you'll be back for more gore!

"I'd a been your daddy but the buffalo beat me over the fence!"


well...i mean, i liked "live fee" as well.

i wasn't expecting another version of "gutterballs." i was just expecting at least the same level of production, acting, and story. i totally get that it is supposed to be "something different."

"gutterballs" was an inspiration to low budget horror. i was just expecting something...well made? for example...there was what, like 5-8 minutes of the secretary masturbating with various objects. i think it would have been more effective to just show brief shots of her masturbating with different things instead of just leaving the camera on. it took away from the flow of the film.

ah well. i'm definately a fan of plotdigger pictures and will watch anything they put out.

i guess i'm just disappointed that it was so troma-esque. i love horror, but troma films(aside from the very first "toxic avenger") strike me more as forums for make-up/effects work, throwing any attempt at a coherent plot or story out the window and replacing it with poo, fart and dick jokes. not that i don't find those funny too, but 90 minutes of them and nothing else?

oh, and just my 2 cents about the shirts. i totally wanted to rock some kind of gutterball shirt, but those designs are kinda...meh. maybe find a graphic artist on craigslist and pay him a few bucks to sketch out something cool? ya know, instead of just smacking the poster right on a shirt and it looks kinda cheap. on the blood splattered shirt, it looks like the bowling pin has polka dots and a smiley face. plus, those "extra thick" cotton shirts from fruit of the loom are crazy uncomfortable. i dunno if the costs are much different, but american apparel makes some super cozy plain cotton shirts. or, maybe a plain old neat looking bowling shirt with a nice little "gutterballs" logo of some sort or "gutterballs written across the back in a spiffy font? haha, gawd i sound retarded but i actually have a substantial horror tshirt collection.


I think you watched the "cut" version and not the "Director's Cut". I don't believe my version is out on torrents yet. It comes out Nov.17th in North America. You're right about the Troma influence but you'll see Plotdigger qualities all over the version coming out. The sound wasn't finished on the version you saw and it was missing all the key elements that was the sticky substances holding this abortion together. It is totally different than "Gutterballs". I think all my movies are different in general but I'd like to hope the same depraved theme is lurking there. It's great that you dug "Gutterballs" and as Dan replied to you, our next one "Star Vehicle" is one you may like but I can offer no promises. In anycase, maybe watch the Uncut "Hanger" and report back because the masturbation scene does make sense in the three way climax that is missing from the cut version. It makes sense when you see it the way it should be seen. My "Director's Cut" may not be your cup of tampon tea, pardon the pun.


"How about 68 and I owe you 1?" Street Trash


To me that's what people get for sitting on their asses all day looking for movies to watch that aren't released yet. Their loss that they saw a crappy version. ;)

I'll wait to judge once it comes out on the 17th. I rarely take any IMDb reviews or post at face value anyway, and most don't so they are just wasting their time.

It's a sad thing that your adventures have ended here
