sound on the dvd.

I've got the DVD and is it just my copy or does the sound keep going out of synch on certain scenes? I know alot of the film is overdubbed because the sound was bad and it's low budget but the synching is quite bad, to the point it was annoying to watch. Anyone else find this?


I agree, it's not a great synching job. Gutterballs wasn't great either.
Annoyingly my dvd of Hanger is completely b*llocksed and doesn't play without going all pixelated and freezing.
This is the second of four Vicious Circle movies that I own that doesn't work properly. Should something be read in this......


Thanks for the reply. I was considering getting another copy cos I thought mine was knackered. but if that's just how it is I won't bother. I've got a few vicious circle movies but this is the only one I've had a problem with.


The synch is problematic on the movie...but rest assured, our new one "Bleading Lady" is totally in synch...which is a first for us. My first three features have notoriously bad synching issues, adds to the charm I hope. I may remaster those movies in the future and have them more in day I hope. Thanks for picking up "Hanger"! RY

"How about 68 and I owe you 1?" Street Trash


Cool. Glad to hear that 'Bleading Lady' is better cos I ordered it yesterday.

"How we supposed to live in Mexico if we're dead?" Scarecrows.
