Where's this abandoned town?

Please, is this a real location? Then where is it? Can't find it on google...


OK, apparently these are the ruins of Epecuen near Buenos Aires, once a flourishing place for curing rheumatic illnesses. Here's the Spanish wiki text (no english one) translated by babelfish (better than nothing if you don't speak Spanish:)

Ruins of Epecuen Villa of the Epecuén Lake is in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. It is a depression of 10,000 has. By its high saline concentration, the lagoon is hypermarine, ten times superior to the sea. One takes advantage to fight rheumatic depression, affections and of skin and psicofísico exhaustion. The city of Carhué is borders of this lagoon. This worked without variants during 60 years until the 10 of November of 1985 the water flooded everything. The defense of an embankment of stone and earth constructed in 1978 did not support the enormous water volume. Villa disappeared. Thus, for 1986, the town of Villa Epecuén Lake owned 4 water ms in its streets, reaching in 1993 more than 10 M.s

Puelche Carhue is told that the cacique (" heart puro"), enamored with Epecuen (" eternal spring"), it cures miraculously of a strange paralysis when submerging in the great lagoon that formed the tears of pain loved his.


hey, thanks for the info. I kinda thought that it was just a made up place for the movie. It looked quite creepy.


It looked like the place has been nuked. The trees were dead


It was underwater for 25 years


That was a fantastic location.

Boycott movies that involve real animal violence! (and their directors too)


Not sure since when, but there is an English Wikipedia entry regarding the town.


