Mandy Lane ripoff!!

Haven't seen this movie yet but it sounds like a ripoff of "All the Boys Love Mandy Lane". I'm hesitant to watch this movie, because Mandy Lane is one of my favorite movies of all time. There are just too many similarities; popular kids bullying the outcasts, outcasts targeting the popular kids at a party at a secluded house. Yawn, seen it all before. If anyone has seen both movies, tell me if this is worth watching or if it's just a ripoff of Mandy Lane.


It's not a Mandy Lane ripoff. Mandy Lane is much better.


Mandy lane was boring as hell. No wonder it still hasnt been released.



and mandy lane was a rip off of tamara and tamara was a rip off of jawbreaker and etc all the way back to carrie.big deal.

spectre can

suck it.





I thought both this movie and Mandy lane were just okay. There is def better horror out there but I don't think one rips off the other in any way. Outcasts getting revenge on the popular kids is a tale as old as time and has been used in film and storytelling forever. I mean if you want to get into it you could say these all rip off Todd Brownings "freaks" which I'm sure had inspirations from a story someone wrote at one point. Wanting revenge is a pretty basic reaction from people who feel they have been mistreated or wronged. It's a common theme in movies. Like a movie where the new kid in town falls for a girl but has to deal with her *beep* boyfriend before they finally connect at the end, it's pretty common.


I thought "Mandy Lane" was really good, but this was pretty OK too. This movie is a lot more soft-hearted in that almost all the characters became much more sympathetic near the end. The opposite is true of "Mandy Lane" where the most likeable characters turn out to be amoral psychopaths.

This is a more humanistic take on bullying, never quite siding entirely with either the bullies or vengeful victims. But I don't think "Mandy Lane" is a statement on bullying one way or another. It is just some enjoyable nastiness. In that sense they're very different movies.


I fail to see any similarities between the two films other than the broadest generalizations. You could, with the same logic, say both films are ripoffs of MASSACRE AT CENTRAL HIGH.


It's not. I just watched Mandy Lane on Netflix and the plots aren't the same. Mandy Lane has that big twist etc. This movie is in your face and upfront about what is happening and why.
