MovieChat Forums > In the Heart of the Sea (2015) Discussion > Hemsworth's accent was all over the plac...

Hemsworth's accent was all over the place.

What am I gonna do... with a gun rack?


It sounded Boston to me


He continuously forgot his character wasn't Australian. It always bewilders me when they use an actor who can't do the accent right.


I noticed that very early on, too, but I got used to it. Irregular accent aside, I still liked him in the film.


Yeah I am only 10 minutes into this film on HBO go and not sure I am going to keep watching. His accent is terrible. Sounds like he has socks in his mouth.


So many critics in here woahhhh


One of the worst movie accents of all time. Easily. Terribly jarring. And I even like Hemsy.
Just awful.


I'm from Boston and I agree his accent (and others) was all over the place. In their defense it's a hard accent to master. I also have never seen a movie set in this relative time period and place where the locals had (or attempted to have) a fully formed contemporary Boston accent. I would love to hear from an accent historian (is there such a thing?) because I have no clue as to what the locals accent would've sounded like back then. My thought was that there were still more English, elongated pronunciations than the more halted Boston one. In any case the accents were enough distraction to pull me out of the movie and start googling accents and the true stories behind the characters. Never finished the movie.


They had several language experts involved with the actors. They were going for a specific accent of that region, which apparently is unusual and adjusting it for the time period.

So basically you can't compare it to modern Boston.


I agree is the first thing me and my friend talked about... where he’s from?! The accent was so weird and out of place was kind of distracting.
