Elle Fanning

I don't get all the haters on here. I thought she was perfect for the role. I think she did great with what she was given. Her laugh was infectious, and her feelings toward Dylan were well emoted. I see huge things on the horizon for this girl and I could even see her career overshadowing her sister's. And for anyone who doubts her talent, watch "Phoebe in Wonderland".


Yeah, she definitely played the homeschooled haven't seen many people/boys my age in my life very well. I've meet many of these and all of them act just like her character with that whole "OMG it's another person!" excitement. Unless you put them in with a lot of people then they are very reserved.


Well, and the whole first crush thing - my daughter is just this age - and it's so awkward it's painful to watch....


I completely agree, she's a very talented and beautiful young girl and she was fine in this movie. In fact every movie I have seen her in from the Door in the floor to Super 8 she was very good in.


Ahh, that's who that was! She cracked me up - I really liked her!

Yours in Christ,

"Elephants are not purple. This is wrong."


Dat smile.

Who busts the Crimebusters?


SHE was VERY good, and practically MADE this movie.(If I DO say so MYSELF.And I DO,TOO!)


She was fantastic!


She was lovely.


love this movie n she is good in this one



I agree 100%. I thought she was an absolute natural in her role and she did it perfectly. I find it silly how people are going 'Is she retarded? Is she supposed to be awkward?' Um, yeah, she IS supposed to be awkward. Has no one ever met a 13 year old girl in their life?


I think she totally nailed the part she was supposed to play.

Her character was meant to come across as awkward around Dylan, and more relaxed around the animals and adults she grew up around.

Now if she were like this in all her movies then either she gets typecast or some of the criticism would be justified, I haven't seen her other work so far.

She's not a copy of her sister. While both are beautiful young women/girls Dakota has a very particular look, wheras Elle has a more girl-next-door look. Both have the possibility of long and successful careers, though a lot depends on how they get through the first half of their 20s.


I think Elle could be a fine actress given suitable roles, but the character of Lily in the film was underdeveloped and poorly written and so she appeared more than just socially awkward. Rather, she appeared a little silly and not really believable as a character. One poster in another thread called her "horny", and while I think that was an exaggeration, it is true that pubescent (perhaps even prepubescent) 12 year-old girls usually mix with other girls and are not crazy about boys. It is a little disturbing to see the girl put a "if you love me let me know" sign at her door, and the boy (only two years older) then responded by shouting "I love you". I fear another Juno was in the making.

In fact, the other female characters were underwritten too. The little girl Rosie was impossibly cute and too articulate for her age, and Kelly (Scarlett Johansson) lacked believability as the main character's love interest.


"If you Love me let me know" was likely just another Cameron Crowe 1970s pop rock in joke, good-naturedly quoting Olivia Newton-John's 1974 song.

Permanent avatar:Courtney Thorne-Smith
Twitter account:SJCarras
MAGIC=Sarah Silverman.


Old thread...

I agree. I thought she played an interesting character, I believed her and enjoyed her character on the screen. She added to the movie.
