I just don't get it

Maybe I'm missing something but I've never ever found Scarlett Johannsen (sp) attractive, at all, even a little bit. And in this movie least of all, I just don't see it.

I thought she did a good job in The Avengers although she's kind of short for the role, but she's just not good looking.

I'm not trying to start anything here, I just honestly have never understood people saying she's beautiful...

The only other problem I had with this movie is that, like a lot of other movies, the promos for it on TV were very misleading. They made it seem like it was a lighthearted, funny, family movie. I really don't think that's what it was, I think it was a litte too intense for little kids.


Life is a mystery. Everybody "gets" a beautiful rose, a rainbow, a sunset. Not everybody "gets" a particular beautiful person. The reward is so great BECAUSE it's not a gimme. Don't wonder why it's different for everybody. Wonder at the wonder of it all.


Not all men think that she's beautiful. She can either be uglied down or prettied up. To me, in this film, she looked very real. I liked that.
I don't see where it's too intense for kids. We don't have to go through Katherine's illness and death; we jump in (I think) six months later. As for the tiger that gets put down, it's not shown, AND it's done out of mercy for the tiger, something that my family (being dog showers and breeders) has faced many times, so the kids see it as a part of life.
What parts did you think were too intense??

"What's that? Bag o' tricks?" Glory
"No. Bag o' knives." Willow


Different strokes man. I'm usually the guy who says this about various actresses because I think sooo many of them are over rated in the looks department, such as ugly zoooooey deschenel among others. Johansson is fine though, I'm definitely a fan. As far as big name actresses go, I think she's easier on the eyes than most. But hey, I guess that's a good thing. Life wouldn't be very exciting in the romance department if every guy had the exact same tastes in women now would it?

As the other guy said, I liked that she looked more "human" in this movie than usual too.


What you're saying really has more to do with the typical Hollywood hype machine in action. Scarlett is attractive, but given the constant focus and attention she's gotten in the press, you'd think the was the most amazingly beautiful woman ever to walk the earth. And that's really a shame because one advantage she has is being able to play a woman who seems real, and not someone's idealized image of beauty.


I think she's beautiful, but that's just me. There are things about her face that I understand some people might not like. I'm a woman, but I know her body goes a long way with a lot of the male population as far as her popularity and desirability.


There's a difference between beautiful and attractive. It takes a lot of traits for a lady to be deemed beautiful. But it only takes 3 things to make Scarlett Johansson attractive: eyes, lips and boobies.

In conclusion, beautiful she is not, but attractive she certainly is.


I never really got it either. She's a pretty woman and I'm quite sure I wouldn't stand a chance to get someone with her looks. But as far as popular Hollywood women go, I don't see her as that beautiful. Could also be because I don't like her as an actress very much either.

Just my two cents :)


She doesn;t have the most beautiful face in Hollywood admittedly, but she seems like a real world beauty, if that makes sense. In this film for instance she didn't look totally out of place with stunning beauty, yet was still attractive in those plain work clothes...

good body too.
