MovieChat Forums > We Bought a Zoo (2011) Discussion > Whoever made this movie tried, but faile...

Whoever made this movie tried, but failed at some things

Some of the things that I didn't like about this movie:
-The kid kicking the snake and nobody doing anything about it, you can't work in a zoo if you abuse animals
-The part at the end where the young girl asks Scarlett if she likes humans or animals better and she says humans. WTF?! WHY NOT BOTH???

That being said I like Matt Damon, he seems like such a classy dude. And the soundtrack was pretty good. Also how did Joe escape from under the dome?!



I thought it was dumb at the end how the little boy went to the little girls window and proclaimed his love for her!


Me too! It should have been Matt Damon doing that....even though I was happy with his relationship with Scarlett in this film and felt it was more appropriate
