Web Site?

Is there a web site or facebook page for this movie? I can't believe there isn't a trailer yet for a movie that is to be released in July. Will it be a very limited release? (i.e. a few theaters before it goes to video)

Whoever is in charge of this marketing seems to be missing the boat a little.

Oh, wouldn't it be great if I *was* crazy? Then the world would be okay.


I know, if only they knew how bad Chloe's fans want to see her next movie, they would be giving us a little more info!

A superhero never reveals their true identity


Also, Jessica Chastain is supposed to be one of the breakthrough actresses of the year. She is in the "Tree of Life" (Cannes Film Festival winner) and "The Help" -- one of the best selling novels last year. If the press releases are to be believed, this movie is going to be released in one month. You would think whoever is marketing this film would have their act together by now. You can't even find a trailer on the internet.

Oh, wouldn't it be great if I *was* crazy? Then the world would be okay.


Can't wait for the trailer to come out, I just saw Ami's talented direction on the Hellbound train episode on Robbery Homicide Division 2003.

This anticipation kinda reminds me of the Public Enemies trailer. This is definitely a Michael Mann summer presentation I am looking forward to!


It looks like they changed the release date & title. It's now the "Texas Killing Fields".

The July release date looks like its an film festival -- I wonder if they are going to release some trailers in association with that. Then we need to wait until October to see it in theaters.

Anybody know if this is going into arthouse theaters or mainstream theaters?

Tell him about the Twinkie!
