Saw an Advanced Screening

I was lucky enough to go to an advanced screening last week. I really liked it. It’s dark and gritty. I think people will be surprised by Sam Worthington. It’s a completely different role for him and he showed a range great of emotion. He had some of the best liens in the movie and his delivery was impeccable. The audience cracked up, and yes, they were funny lines, so we were supposed to laugh. He nailed the southern accent too. A line here or there was of, but had I not been listening for it and did not know who he was, I would’ve guessed he was southern. Jeffrey Dean Morgan was also great. He’s got some real vulnerability. Chloe has a small but important role and she was a stand out! Great score and great cinematography as well. It didn’t delve into the actually killing fields, as some might think. Also, Sam’s character’s name was Mike, not Jake, as listed on IMDB. Can’t wait for you all to see it!!


Thanks for the review. It's the first positive one I've seen. I've read in a couple other places that the plot is confusing and in desperate need of a re-edit. Would you agree?



What about the neighbor who shows the guys around the building to the dead body?


Interesting to hear that Worthington delivers -- he's basically been handsome scenery so far, but I think because an actor is good looking he gets locked into a himbo stereotype (same thing has continued to dog Brad Pitt throughout his career, though he's given many solid performances).

The female talent is what has me interested in this -- Chastain was fabulous in Tree of Life and Moretz is probably the best American actress of her generation.


true! im only seeing the movie becuase of chloe moretz! big fan of hers.
