Annoying finale

The only bad part of the finale was that Amanda was arrested. I know it's silly but I thought to have a legendary TV villian like Amanda taken down by Ella was ridiculous. It's like if Gossip Girl's Chuck Bass took down Dallas's JR. I liked Ella but I liked Amanda better and thought Katie Cassidy couldn't compete up against Heather Locklear


Let's hope our lovely Amanda will be back very soon... and with a vengeance!
La Woodward cannot end this way, behind bars. We have to struggle to have her back very soon... and we will succeed if we stay united. Our beloved Melrose is worth trying the impossible!


It was ridiculous. Ella was no match for Amanda, should have never ended that way.


Well, I guess the writers and producers hoped our cherished Amanda would come back stronger and with a big vengeance. Let's work hard to get her back as powerful as ever and Ella will check who la Woodward really is!


For God's sake, give it up! It's never coming back!


If it is never coming back, could you tell me why you keep posting here? Are you still trying to find the reasons why it was cancelled? Will you keep trying during the next ten years? Don't you have anything better to do than post about someting that is dead, something that will never come back?
Oh please!...
Let the people who have faith live their lives, let us, me and my dearest friends, fight for the coming back of our beloved show and do not spend your time judging us, when not insulting us...


I don't know why you always talk like you have "dear friends" here. You are the only person that posts here that thinks this show is coming back. You are obviously insane.


Insane is you, a person who has nothing better to do than spent one's time posting in a forum about a show that does not exist anymore... and who insults the others instead of letting them live their lives and think what they want.
Haven't you been taught to respect the others' opinions?
Go and practice some sports: you will feel better in your body and in your mind!
And SMILE please!


Yeah, and continuing to post on a forum for a show that is obviously dead about how it's going to be saved really constitutes having a life. You are an idiot.


Insulting: it's your word... Nothing more to add: everybody knows who you are!


I don't usually get into it with people on message boards, but you are so infuriatingly stupid I just can't help myself.


What u r is simply pathetic and the worst part of it is you have not noticed yet.
Go insult people elsewhere and let us love our beloved show in peace!


First off, this show wasn't beloved. That's why it was canceled. Secondly, you are obviously a troll, because I refuse to believe that anyone can really be as stupid as you are.


I agree, the whole charecter of Ella was a Amanda rip-off to begin with,it was mainly the fans who hadn't watched the original MP who enjoyed her. Katie's good at playing the bad girl, but Heather Locklear is on another level with Joan Collins,Donna Mills and Morgan Fairchild. Amanda fought much tougher people in the original Mp and won,so I guess the only excuse could be that the writer's assumed the show would have a second season.


They didn't "assume" it would have a second season, they did the ending in hopes that such a cliffhanger would put pressure on the CW or something to give them a second season.

It wasn't supposed to end that way.


Welcome to my ignore list.


Who's on your ignore list?


My dearest friends, as I like to remind you so often, the goal is very near but we have to be united to get our beloved Melrose and so cherished characters back. Please do not lose Faith; our illusions are the most important thing right now.
A huge work is done through the facebook Save MP campaign; please joign and give ideas:
We can get a show that will be the best of TV History. And right now a cameo appearance is studied (remember the wonderful cameos of Loni and Priscilla?) and the admnistrators are trying to convince the fabulous Michele Pfeiffer and the so sexy Marion Cotillard.
Please joign and help...


Such a retard. 'The goal is very near'. You cant be THIS stupid?

Good you finally showed the link though retard. Sadly they are all wasting their time, but I have nothing against people who want to voice their views on it of course. I applaud people for at least fighting for it.


Lol... Im glad theres a link 2. Now I can see that my dreams and illusions wont come true since 991 fans in NO way can bring back MP. LMAO

*I'm Rich!*


LOL, I know, but the retard wont get it. 1000 people wont do jack shyt. Hell 100,000 thousand people wont do much either. But I dont object to them trying, I understand when you like a show and want to fight for it regardless how futile. I would LOVE if they could bring it back. Thats not my issue at all. Its the retard who seems to be under the impression the show will be back in September because 900 people signed up to a facebook page and clicked 'like'.

And one of the admistrators put their own money up to register the domain for the site. Such a waste of money, but I hope it didnt cost more than $20.


Poor pathetic little little retard! As I said before you do not know how to read! If you could read, you would know by now I was speaking about a mid-year come-back and not a september comeback, but your brain seems to be as dead as your social life! Who would want to be friend with you! You always repeat the same trash, because your brain cannot do anything more than ... trash, poor little retard.
So go back to your zero life and let my Dearest Friends and I fight and hope for the coming back of our beloved MP with our cherished characters and new big names: because, what we want is the triumph of our show and YOU just fight with your anger and poor pathetic life... (and do not come back one more time with your "who are your dearest friends?" motto... I have too much respect for them to answer such a stupid request of a pathetic little little man with no social life...)


LMAO, mid-year come back, yeah thats going to happen!

And retard, I see who posts on these boards just like you do. Genius, we can all see who agrees with you when you make all these useless posts and MOST people call you nothing but a troll who cant accept reality. The fact that you cant even admit you have NO friends here shows how deluded you are. I feel a little sorry for you. I dont need you to tell me because I can SEE for my own eyes how many supporters you have here...and its zero.

And I debate you because other than the fact your posts single handily keep these boards alive lol, I actually do feel sorry for you if your life hindges on this show coming back. I call you a retard because you are so oblivious to facts and reasoning, I dont know what else to call you at this point. And retard sticks!

As for MP, what's sad is you're never going to get it. You obviously have ZERO clue how television works. Okay, fine, you want a REAL 'intelligent' argument, lets have it. Tell me and your 'dearest friends' here, how do your little Face Book campaign plan to get the show up by mid-season? You are always throwing out this 'keep up the faith' crap and fantasizing about JJ Abrams taking over the show or Heather Locklear being a producer and all the other inane useless crap you throw up here, but what actual strategies do you and your little band of FB friends will get the show back at this point?

I can tell you this much, you guys havent done much of anything because there is nothing about it anywhere thats for sure. There is ZERO heat with your campaign, none! Thats the only way you are going to make waves, by getting the general publics attention and then the networks. Thats how these things work AFTER a show has been cancelled. But with 990 members, thats not even a drop in the bucket. Most campaigns need 10s of thousands to work and we are talking real creative tactics. Look up how Jericho was bought back, now THATS a campaign. Joining up on FB and sending tweets to CBS is nothing. Anyone can do that, network doesnt give two shyts about that. And if they DO, its because it has reached the general mainstream public and the press. Look at the Betty White campaign to get her on SNL. Yes, that was a FB campaign, but do you know how many people signed up for that to get her on? 340,000 people signed up for it to endorse her. The press noticed and wrote about it and it got SNL attention and she made it on because it became a big swell of hype around it. People who dont even watch SNL tuned in to see her--all because of that campaign. But thats a lot of man power and proof of the outpouring of general interest. 990 people in your tiny campaign to get a show back on that died with a million people watching tells me your chances of success is about as good as a campaign getting the Republican party to make Oliver Stone their new leader.

So instead of blowing smoke up our asses, tell me how you think on planet earth a thousand people on a FB page can convince a corporation a show like MP needs a second chance after it BADLY crashed and burned this time? MP didnt do poorly in the ratings, it was a tragic disaster! Its ratings were so low they honestly shouldve cancelled it after the first 10 episodes. I'm surprised they kept it on the air until the finale. So what is the argument you and others write to FX or these other networks why they should spend millions on a show that bombed and failed at one network already?

Its gone now, everyone has moved on and your 'campaign' is too little and too late for anything serious to happen. You dont have to believe me now...but in a few months when there is no show in sight, you will. It wont happen, just remember that. Just dont hang yourself over it though.


... or the art to use 1 million words to say nothing about ONE poor idea, always the same.
Poor little little pathetic retard, use your precious time to do something useful in your life...
And if MP is not coming back and you dislike what my Dearest Friends and I love to debate about, well, go to another forum and forget us. We are a wonderful community gathered around a fantastic purpose, the coming back of our precious and beloved show, and we DO NOT need clowns around... For clowns, we can spend a wonderful afternoon at the nearest circus!
My Dearest friends, let's not waste our precious time with "that"; I wanted to keep you informed about two fabulous pieces of news: the agent of Kate Jackson answered our request for a storyline around Sabrina Bosley and the long forgotten swedish mother of Craig, Agnetha (Cheryl Ladd) who comes back with a big vengeance. He said he would be delighted to talk about that "very interesting" idea (his words) with the brilliant Kate and, according to him, she will LOVE it! Another news: one of the administrators of the campaign is very friend of Bernadette Peters and she is sure she will enjoy making a special appearance (worth an Emmy nomination we can bet!).
So, let's celebrate those wonderful news and go back to our fighting for our cherished show!


LMAO retard, I straight up ask you to tell us what your game plan you guys have and obviously nothing. Just a lot of hot air and trolling. Remember when 'mid-season' comes around and there is no MP on except the reruns you are watching in your DVD player. And think of me who will be doing this---->

And more deluded hot air crap. Oooooh the agent of Kate Jackson likes a storyline from some stranger on a website, so now I guess that means through some miracle another network will pick up the show, take a bunch of nobodies advice to hire Kate 'I need work' Jackson to be on this new storyline for a show that doesnt even exist. And its so funny how naive you are. TV productions in Hollywood usually DONT accept any outside story submissions for union and lawsuit reasons. Retard if you dont officially work on a production, NO ONE is going to look at it anyway (and I'm guessing you guys couldnt sit and write a professional story treatment to save your lives lol). ANYONE will tell you that, you dont have to take my word for it. You have NO clue how this works at all, do you? So your dumbass 'storylines' would just get thrown in the trash. Her 'agent' should know that, so you are either making this up or they have nothing better to do. Talk about wasting precious time.

You're nothing but a joke and a troll here and have no clue how any of this works anyway. You must be 15 years old...or just a retard. No one even responds to your dumb ass anymore.


Oh come on, fctiger, you are playing right into his hands!

lphilipe *is* nothing but a joke - one of the characters he is proposing is called Eleanor Gros-Chignon, for pete's sake. Which translates as Eleanor Big-Hair. Not kidding - big huge joke, right there. And, this time, I thought it was actually pretty funny!

He's probably a 40yo with an MBA and is a member of MENSA, masquerading as a total loony, so he can get a reaction out of folks. And depending on what mood I'm in, that either makes him (a) a bit sad and with nothing better to do, or (b) a genius.

Either way, every time you call him a retard, it gives him another opportunity to perpetuate the joke. If you ignore him completely, or start to "get the joke" he'll probably go away.


Yeah you're probably right. I TRY not to get into it, but its just something about the idiot that draws me in. So yeah, I admit, if this is all just a great big ole joke, he got us lol. Big time! Look at this thread alone, EVERYONE hates this moron. But if he's having a bit of fun, just admit it already or go away forever. I can admit if I been had.

But if he believes all of this, he truly is a retard!


Oh dear lord, don't congratulate him for anything. It'll just encourage him.


LOL, yeah you're right...and fixed!


I remember Loni and Priscilla's cameos on the original MP, they were fabulous
