some questions...

Okay, I just started posting on this board, so sorry if these topics have been covered. But:

So I understand this show is canceled, but does that mean it's not coming back at all? Or is it coming back for like half a season, finishing it, then it's done?

Also, what was ever the story with Ella making out with those few random girls? Was she bi or something? haha I never quite got that cause 1 minute she was with girls then the next with Jonah...


it's done, done



To answer your second question though, yes Ella was suppose to be bisexual, but I think they sort of dropped the ball on that. You saw her make out with a girl the first episode and then I THINK she did it again later on, but they never really developed it. She was basically after Auggie the whole time who just happens to like girls from time to time, but they never gave her a real relationship or remotely serious about it. It came off as gimmick just to show how 'edgy' the show was. It came off too superficial to me.


Awh that's depressing... But ok thanks. I always wondered about her because in the first episode she was making out with a girl in her car so I thought she was a lesbian, then she did it again in another episode, but then she went after Jonah so I was like this is all kinda random? lol.


Yeah no problem and thanks for telling me it was Jonah and not Auggie lol.

They really didnt do much of that side of her character even though it was hyped up alot in the interviews leading up to the show. Oh well.

Yeah sucks there is no more show.


