Confirmed... great news

My dearest friends,
one of the administrators of the Save MP facebook campaign has just confirmed a wonderful information about our beloved show:
the MP set has not been destroyed, which is very rare when a show is cancelled.
There are rumours a renewed MP is analysed for a possible mid year comeback.
Which explains the fact Katie Cassidy has been moved to CW Gossip Girl for some episodes of the beginning of season 4, when a lot of people were already saying she was on for the new Charlie's Angels (an interesting point about CA: it is said Kate Jackson is negociating to be the new... Bosley for the new Charlie's Angels; it seems it will be explained by the fact that Sabrina Duncan married John Bosley at the beginning of the 90's... I think it is a wonderful idea).
About our beloved MP, I please ask you to have great faith and join our campaign so that we can have the beauty and excitement of our show and cherished characters back.
Have a nice and happy day, my dearest friends


You are beyound retarded.

I'm praying this is just a troll because if not, the OP needs some serious, serious help.


How dare u insult me?
This is a forum to share opinions about our beloved show; if you do not want to play by the rules, go to another forum, retarded you!


I agree, this person has to be a troll because if he/she isn't, they are totally delusional.


I cannot understand why u are always calling me troll. I am just a big fan of our beloved MP. Can't u understand that? Don't u have arguments? Is debating just insulting for u? Can't you bring real data and arguments to this forum? If it is so, please go to another forum, but leave us in peace and with our faith in the coming back of our Melrose and our cherished characters.
Your posts are only one or two insults, they bring nothing to the debate.
Please go back to your miserable lives and let me and my dearest friends fight and hope for the return of our beloved show!


You need help, seriously!

What 'debate'? You are talking about a show coming back that has officially been cancelled and all the players have moved on. How the hell does Katie Cassidy appearing on Gossip Girl proves MP may be coming back?? It doesnt prove anything other than she found a job after the show she WAS on got the boot. And where the hell were you 3 months ago when there WAS a serious debate if the show was coming back or not?? Most of us was here having a relevant discussions about it and its chances. The discussion is now over on that. Its like arguing if Bush going to run for President again. You are a delusional moron who actually think a facebook moderator has some inside scoop apparently not even entertainment reporters have. And then you post it here like we are suppose to take this seriously. You are either a troll or very, VERY slow! I'm REALLY hoping for the former, belive me.

And who is your 'dearest friends' that agrees with you?? No ONE here agrees with you moron from every post I read. Even people who wanted the show back realizes its over. The SOONER you can get that, the less idiotic you will sound on these boards dearest friend.


Seriously. And this guy always refers to MP as "our cherished show". Sorry, buddy, but this show is not cherished and that's why it got the axe. Deal with it. This person is an idiot.


Oh he is delusional all right...crazy, mental, retarded...He can't understand the most basic logic of cancellation of network television. The show is dead but he continues to rattle on about some random campaign to save a dead show. Beyond retarded, but hilarious at the same time.

Can't wait for JeremyBentham to reply! I love his responses to this troll!

Write to your senators to support banning crush videos. Shame on our Supreme Court.


I love "Gossip Girl" so I'm glad Katie's joining that show. :)

Bimbo Boy


I cannot find anything more retarded, more idiotic than spending one's time in a forum about a show that is definitely cancelled, a show that is dead!!!
Poor retarded posters who have nothing more interested in their lives to do than speaking about something they repeat and repeat and repeat does not exist anymore! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahah...
Really, I cannot find anything more retarded and idiotic!
Please leave us alone and let us live our great illusions. We wanna fight for our beloved show and we will do it my dearest friends and I, and if you think it is useless, enjoy the other things life can provide you; be useful, there are so many causes worth fighting in this world!
BimboBoy, I am so glad Katie is joigning Gossip Girl too; it is a wonderful news worth celebrating...


You're retarded! The show is never coming back, neeeeever!

The sooner you get that, the sooner life will be better for you.

And we come here to STILL discuss the show. Just because its cancelled doesnt mean we cant talk about it anymore genius. And who is 'us'??? You keep implying there are actually people here who think its coming back too. What other poster here actually agrees with you that it could come back?? Give us a name because everyone HERE is calling you a delusional moron, because, well, you are.

This show will NEVER come back. Not in 6 months, 6 years or 6 decades. Its over! Buy the DVD when they come out because this is all you will ever see of the show again. Sorry, its true.


Can't wait for Katie Cassidy to go nude. Incredible body!

A hero is a man who does what he can

reply's BEYOND. :)



Hi my Dearest Friend Flavio,
yeah, Katie has a great body and we have to fight hard to get her back as Ella and make us live precious moments again in her struggle against Amanda!
We can do it. Katie's agent thinks it is a wonderful idea and we cannot give up now with all the hard work that has been done. We hope Courtney will come back to Melrose too. She could be Ella's ally in her fight against Amanda! Oh, it would be fabulous...


I can see you masterbaiting to these girls every night retard because thats the only time you will see them in these roles again---in your wet dreams.


You disgusting pathetic little man! You are the shame of this forum...
This is unacceptable. Such level of lack of respect and decency!
My Dearest Friends, we cannot accept more commentaries like the one fctiger, this pathetic little man, posted before. This forum should be about showing our love for our beloved show and cherished characters, about fighting to get it back, about discussing with arguments, about sharing an intelligent debate around different subjects... and not about having to bear insults and this level 0 of respect and intelligence.
My Dearest Friends, let's go on with our beloved MP and let's ignore such a pathetic retard and his so-called friends...


I truly understand your devotion to this show, really I do. As much as I love Melrose Place, sorry to say dude but there is no chance of it coming back. Even though I am not discouraging you anyway to stop your fight for it to be picked up again on the same or a new network. But the fact is all the actors moved on. Some have found new jobs and the others are doing other things. The sets are demolished months now, and the only way a network would pick this up is that the network would need to feel this show is bankable and in my opinion now as it stands it really isn't.

"It's not what it looks like....It's worse!"


Andrew, remember how hard it was for you to accept the show was getting cancelled although I and others said it was more than likely gone? Well take your determination on that and multiply that by 124 times for this freak who cant seem to get the idea the show is gone foreever. At least with you, the show actually HAD a (small) chance of coming back and nothing was official, so understandable at least. This retard seem to think people STILL want this show even though its cancelled and everyone has moved on like you said. Save your breath of trying to reason with him. Troll is too much of a retard to get its never coming back. I'm starting to think he does have a real mental problem at this point...or 14 years old.


<<You disgusting pathetic little man! You are the shame of this forum...
This is unacceptable. Such level of lack of respect and decency!
My Dearest Friends, we cannot accept more commentaries like the one fctiger, this pathetic little man, posted before. This forum should be about showing our love for our beloved show and cherished characters, about fighting to get it back, about discussing with arguments, about sharing an intelligent debate around different subjects... and not about having to bear insults and this level 0 of respect and intelligence.
My Dearest Friends, let's go on with our beloved MP and let's ignore such a pathetic retard and his so-called friends...>>

Shut up retard! You probably jack off everytime you write the words 'Dearest friends' somewhere! We TRIED the 'intelligent debate' with you a long time ago and you just ignored everything we said and think the show is still coming back if you just wish it hard enough.

And you CANT use my line to call me a retard....I called you that first. Only a retard would do that. Go back to jacking off and sounding like a gullible moron. And one more time, you have no friends here! Are you are just a troll...and a retard.


Where are you getting your info from?
I can tell you now that not only has the MP set been destroyed but the furniture from some of the apartments is now getting used by one of the CWs new shows


fctiger, please be decent once in your life.
You said you would ignore me: please, do it!
But it's clear, you cannot, because your life is pathetic, little retard.
Why don't you respect your own words and promises?
The answer is clear and everyone can see it easily: you are a psycho retard and everyone can see you are not trustworthy: your arguments are so poor a 2 y.o. would laugh at you and you can't help insulting me although you said you would ignore me...
Poor pathetic little little retard...
If you do not respect me, please respect my Dearest Friends and their hope and love for our beloved MP!


Iphilipe when are you ever going to let this go dude?

The cherish MP has been demolished beyond repair. The parts have been scattered along the wasteland and the junkyard. It was a fun show for what it was but you should rephrase what you say and say that it will be always in our hearts, our beloved MP.

"It's not what it looks like....It's worse!"


Oh yes, my Dearest Friend Andrewilson69, our beloved MP will always be in our hearts. Its brilliance and beauty will always be in our minds. The old one and the new one. And the fight to get our so cherished characters must go on. We will celebrate the grand reunion soon. And, like many people in the Facebook campaign, I truly think our beautiful Alison Parker should come back to face the sexy Ella and the wonderful Amanda and reveal a big secret and a big vengeance... A lot can be done and we do not have to forget that the set has not been destroyed yet according to a very reliable source. Our Katie is getting to be known by the Gossip audience, which is very important and I hope she'll be back with a big mystery around our gorgeous Jake, the so fantastic and sexy Grant Show!


lphilipe i always used to respect your love of MP..but you have gone overboard, its over with, highly doubtful it will ever come back, and its a tv show get over it..move on..the new MP was horrible anyways, nothing like the orignal


That is why, my Dearest Friend jyomtov, we have to fight hard to get a new MP, with some of our cherished characters and the return of some of the original ones. The Facebook Save MP Campaign is also trying to get big Hollywood names like Jaclyn Smith and Cheryl Ladd, Angelina Jolie (to produce), Chloe Sevigny and Anne Hathaway, among others... We can have a huge show with a big success with the coming back of our beloved Melrose. The most famous LA avenue has to relive on screen with big mysteries and our Lexi back with a big revenge...
Let's fight and we will celebrate very soon!


lol your nuts..even if it did come back i would not celebrate...i celbrate when i win in vegas or sleep with a hot chick, not for MP....


But, my Dearest Friend jyomtov, we would celebrate in a very special way... just being happy because our cherished characters could "live" again and share their passionate and glamorous adventures with us... let us meet them again in the most famous LA avenue... laugh and cry with them... feel the heat of the moment... I am sure we all would be enjoying this moment of the coming back of our beloved MP... after fighting with all our heart!


Severely delusional, i mean, lphilipe, seriously you need medication. Are you freaking kidding? You think Angelina Jolie is going to produce a new Melrose Place? And why would Chloe Sevigny (who is busy with her own show Big Love) and Anne Hathaway (busy with a movie career) have anything to do with this cancelled show? And not to burst another one of your crackhead bubbles, but Jaclyn Smith and Cheryl Ladd are no longer big Hollywood names...and you seem to be mixing up your tv shows as they are from Charlie's Angels...

And its hilariously sad that you pronounce ownership of our Lexie, our beloved show,etc... its creepy.

And, as you so clearly are insane and will not stop with these asinine posts, at least get a thesaurus and use some other words: Stop using and reusing dearest, cherished, beloved... its boring reading the same words in your same retarded posts.

(P.S. I expect that you,joyously cocooned in your lunacy, will still be posting about MP and saving this show three years from now. Here's a good piece of advise: get a job, get a life, and get a clue and watch a brand new show. There's a big world out there out of your deranged stalkerish like attachment to this show.)



Poor creature, do not worry for me and my vocabulary. Although I am French and Spanish, I can say my English is rather good. It surely is better than your French or Spanish- I have no doubts about that...
And do not worry for my life and be more careful about what you say: I do not have to look for a job since I work for an important credit company. I have a very good life with some very good friends, like to go to the theater, to have dinner in town and travel. I practice sports everyday. Right now I am preparing my next vacation in Japan with a Paris friend in October. I fly to the States once or twice a year, have already been in NYC, California, Nevada, Florida, Connecticut, Chicago, Dallas, Denver... and my next destination will be Seattle in May 2011. And I love and watch a lot of other series on DVD, old and new: Dallas, Dynasty, One Tree Hill, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, Ugly Betty, Gossip Girl... I know there is a big world out there and I also know that people should ask before speaking without knowing anything!
And if you do not like my posts and the ones of my Dearest Friends about our beloved show, you can go to another forum: "there is a big forum-world" out there!".
Do not hesitate and answer me ... in French or Spanish: I feel like laughing today!


i am sorry, but i agree 100 percent with ktm444, you are def very creepy how you talk about MP like it was your gf/bf....let me ask you a question will you still be ranting in 3 yrs when show is still not on... if you travel as muc has you say and have a good job, then im sure you have other things to do than ranttttt about MP....dont you see how everyone makes fun of you....stop doing this to yourself, get some medication


Please be respectful! Through me you are insulting all the good people who are working hard on the different campaigns to save our beloved show.
We are here with a purpose. What is YOUR purpose? I just see that you are insulting; if there is no sense in being discussing our beautiful show, what the hell are you doing here?
I do not need medication. I am healthy like a rock. And do not worry for my mental health: it is very good, thank you, my Dear. I can assure you I am not hurting myself. But what are YOU doing to yourself, answering my so silly posts!!!
Go and get a vacation with the fctiger litlle little retard and please, try and do not come back anymore...




Pleaaaaaaaase, do not shout at us! A little respect!
Melrose, our beautiful and beloved Melrose, will never be dead - unlike your brain, which is flat dead! Our Melrose, our so cherished characters and actors will always be alive in our hearts. We feel their passion, their fights, their sorrow.
If you really think MP is dead, you'd better go away, your place is not here, among my Dearest Friends who respect the legacy of such a wonderful show...


jake hansen is olddddddd lol...and amanda hates you...


Oh, your arguments are so childish... well, taking into account what you write are arguments... I doubt about it...
In fact, in your words I and my Dearest Friends only see insults and poor debating (you use the same way of debating my 5 y.o. niece usually uses when speaking with me at family gatherings...).
If you are not happy here, go to other Forum, or, better, try and get a life!
And for the record, Amanda loves us and knows our fighting is precious and beautiful... meanwhile your behaviour is only hatred...


peter burns doesent like you either..and wheres matt fielding lol.....i love janeeeeee


Don't you understand why people don't like you and think you are crazy? Look at what you posted: "And for the record, Amanda loves us and knows our fighting is precious and beautiful"

So for the record, you talk to Amanda on a daily basis? Is she there with you now?

Can you see how foolish you look to others when you say such outlandish things?

Heather Locklear has better things to do in Los Angeles than meet with you and your supposed "Dearest Friends" to discuss saving a show she has no interest in anymore.

Your trolling has become tired and predictable. Just plain retarded now.



Poor little retard ktm444! It is so sad to see that you do not make the difference between fantasy and reality! Amanda is one thing: a character and Heather is reality: a gorgeous actress. When my Dearest Friends and I are saying Amanda loves us, it is just a metaphor...
How do you want us to speak with Amanda? Maybe you do in your pathetic dreams...
Please give the drugs up, you poor little creature!
Your writing reminds me my 5 y.o. niece's writing when she was 3. Your arguments are so poor that they could be shared with chickens and lambs in any middle west farm.
Please forget about us and make yourself a huge favor: get a life!


You are such a can't even think of anything else to call someone except your phrase "poor little retard"... its obvious you don't have a big vocabulary since you use the same words over and over... Dearest Friends, Beloved, etc... just plain stupid.

And of course i can tell the difference between fantasy and reality but it is YOU we all think is living in a dreamland of candycanes and cupcakes.

You are LIAR who boasts about having a speaking relationship with "Amanda" but then turns around and says that you need a way to contact her agent.

And saying someone loves you as you did in your previous post is not a metaphor. Look up the word metaphor before trying to use it in context.

I'm sure you'll come back with "You poor little retard" because you don't know anything else. Retard.



Of course I will not shut up! This is not the Soviet Union nor Cuba!
And, poor little retards fctiger and ktm444, this is not a forum about me but about our beloved Melrose and I do not have to spend my time answering your silly questions about my person and disturbing all my Dearest Friends who are here to debate around our beautiful show and our cherished characters. But yeah, I will answer in a way: you two pathetic retards have decided to be my enemies and to make this forum a place of insults and lack of respect.
My Dearest Friends and I would love it to be a place of intelligent debating and proposing good arguments, a place of creativity and a place where we can give a special tribute to our wonderful show and our so sexy actors and actresses.
So stop speaking about me!
My Friends, let's come back to what we really love: our Melrose Place!



Oh please, be more respectful! And stop with the insults!
As I said many times before, this forum should be about debating around our beloved Melrose and our so cherished characters, and not about attacking one another!
You bring nothing with insulting me.
I would have preferred a positive opinion, an good idea, any comment about our beautiful show instead of insults and insults and being rude.
Please let's come back to what this show is about: MELROSE PLACE!


How's about this for a novel idea, everyone ignore lphilipe and lphilipe ignore everyone else. I simply can't believe you guys are not bored with this already.

