MovieChat Forums > Melrose Place (2009) Discussion > Wonderful opportunity for our gorgeous H...

Wonderful opportunity for our gorgeous Heather...

My Dearest Friends,
all the collaborators of the Facebook Save Melrose Place campaign are working very hard to get our beloved show back and one of them, Mark Jensen, has come with a wonderful, a brilliant idea for the new series. It is so exciting that I thought it would be great we could share it together in our Imdb forum.
The argument is about the arrival of Sammy Jo Carrington Beaumont Williams Monfort, the widow of Earl Monfort who flies to LA and it's famous Avenue after a mysterious Denver tycoon, Bart Duncan (right now we are seeing who could play the part of Mr Duncan... we hope a big Hollywood name for this part) tells her she has a twin sister in LA and she is in jail and needs her support. Guess who is her twin sister? Amanda Woodward who was adopted by Hilary Michaels some weeks after she was born.
It is a great opportunity for our beautiful Heather, a double part we are sure she will love and enjoy doing - we are trying to get in contact with her agent in Hollywood and are sure she will be excited with this wonderful storyline.
What do you think of it, my Dearest Friends? Any ideas to improve this storyline? Oh, I am so happy with the work that is done in Facebook and all the creative talent that is "blossoming"...


CRAZY! Its amazing how insane you actually are.

And you are a liar. In your other post, you said that Amanda loves you and your friends for what you are doing to save the show. But you just posted that you are trying to get in contact with her agent. So which is it? LIAR.

Any ideas to improve the storyline? Sure, when Sammy Jo's plane lands in Los Angeles, the plane lands on your freaking crazy head and you explode. That would make me watch the show - seeing your stupid crazy head run over. And then a dog pees on your remains. that would do it for me.

lphilipe you are insane.



ktm444, you poor insane retard! Always insulting... Your contribution to this forum is just insults and lack of respect... You are disgusting and all my Dearest Friends and I can only pray for you...
Please, let us live our dreams and let us work to get our beautiful and beloved Melrose back!
Of course Amanda loves us! What has it got to do with giving her this storyline that has just been created to Heather's agent in Hollywood? How would she know it if it has just been created and only very few people in he campaign know about it? You're insane, poor little creature, and your lack of intelligence is devastating.
Please, get a life and forget about us!


OMG...ktm444 just let iphilipe live in his fantasy, obviously he gets mad when people spoil his MP wet dream.

"Now....You Die!"


LOL I love lphilipe. What a hoot. God Bless him.


Thank you my Dearest Friend im_a_singerl44... I know this storyline is having a lot of success among the MP fans. Our Facebook collaborator proposed it and it is a wonderful, so full of possibilities, idea. You should joign all these marvellous people who are fighting to get our beloved show and so cherished characters back.
Unfortunately, there are always some - very few - people who will only insult and utter nonsense critics... But it is life: people love to build things and create a better world and others just spend their -poor and miserable- life destroying things.
We are in Imdb a big community of fans of our beautiful Melrose who will never lose Hope to share more wonderful and passionate moments with our so sexy and gorgeous residents of 1646 MP.
My Dearest im_a_singerl44, do not hesitate and propose things for the coming back of our fabulous show; my Dearest Friends and I will be delighted to have you among us...


lphilipe i think your a freak who should be locked up you sick person....ohh yeah alyson parker says move on and get over it


jyomtov, what is your problem? Why being so aggressive?
This forum is a way to celebrate our love for our beautiful show, our beautiful Melrose. I really hope we will be able to celebrate the return of our so cherished characters soon together. It would be a wonderful opportunity to have a big party and have a glamorous celebration!


obv your messing with cant be this pathetic...


Oh please, a little respect... you cannot spend your life this way...
Please, enjoy your life! HAVE a life!
Be useful! There are so many fights and causes in this world!
Do something worth living for and give up insulting and destroying things, destroying the Hope of so many people, the Hope and the illusions of our dearest Friends, who are fighting so hard to get their beloved MP back soon.
Please respect them... and above all, respect yourself!
Let us share some more moments with our so cherished characters! We still need to share their passions and their struggles. Oh, do not be an obstacle to our wonderful journey!


you said do something worth livving for, i help the poor with my charity work, i give money for cancer research....thats worth livving for , not some stupid tv show...put your efforts into something real not some fictional tv show


We do not have to know that you are doing charity work, that you are giving money for cancer research... but I think it is very nice of you and very generous; and I appreciate this kind of things very much.
But what we do know is that you are wasting a lot of your precious time with negative comments about a "dead" show - THAT is so sad.
On the contrary, my Dearest Friends and I are fighting for something we love and cherish, something we believe in - although it seems to you it is frivolous: I am speaking about our so beloved Melrose and its cherished characters...
So, please, my dear jyomtov, use all your time with the lovely causes you defend and let my Dearest Friends and I live our passion and have illusions for the future of our beautiful show...


You're persistent, I'll give you that.

By all means, you can fight with every ounce of strength in your body to get Melrose Place back until your last dying breath. That is your choice completely. If you're ever successful - and I'm still alive to see it - I'll happily take my hat off to you then sit down and enjoy the new series for however long it lasts. [Although, no more fantasy crossover scenarios please, either including cast members called "Big Hair" or from other defunct Spelling shows - these are bogus and, apart from being slightly amusing, they are just TERRIBLE ideas!]

The difference between you and me, however, is that you would have spent your entire life campaigning and lobbying and winding people up (I supspect, purely for kicks) on Facebook and on the IMDB, and I would have done everything else EXCEPT anything of that sort of thing. And I would still get to watch the show! Lucky me, eh?

If you're unsuccessful, on the other hand, your lifelong efforts will ultimately have been in vain and you might end up feeling disappointed and cheated. That hypothetical scenario, my dear friend, *is* sad and you should do your best to avoid it.

Some things are worth fighting for and some things aren't, pure and simple. And right now I believe you have more chance (i.e. slim to none) of getting MP back on our screens than you have of anyone on here actually agreeing with you (i.e. never in a million years).

So I think it's time you gave up the fight here, and either add some honest-to-goodness point of view or go promptly on your way, mister.

Unless of course this is all an act, purely for fun. In which case, why aren't you bored yet?
