MovieChat Forums > Melrose Place (2009) Discussion > Everyone just put lphillipe on ignore!

Everyone just put lphillipe on ignore!

Seriously, its the only way this idiot will shut up! He knows no one likes him here, but he keeps posting. I think he has some real mental issues or the smartest troll ever devised lol.

Who knows, but the MP boards are already dried up since the show is done, but I also feel this idiot's post have driven people away from this board as well. He needs help, I don't know, but put him on ignore and maybe the few of us still here can have REAL conversation about the show's short term run again. He's not here to discuss anything, just to keep throwing out his useless nonesense since he never bothers to talk to anyone, but just keep sounding like a moron who rides the short bus.

Anyway, this is the only way we can start to build real discussion again for the few who still wants it.


It is a scandal! You poor little retard! Acting like a Soviet agent! Disgusting!
Let free people express themselves!
And poor pathetic little retard, didn't you say that you would ignore me?
Please ignore me! Ignore us all, my Dearest friends and I!
You bring nothing more than insults and lack of respect! You don't even respect your own words! It's pathetic! It's a scandal!
Please, my Dearest Friends, I think it is time to ignore this pathetic little little retard once and for all!
Let's come back to respect! Let's come back to debating! Let's come back to intelligent arguments! Let's get rid of all the insults and poor debating this pathetic fctiger retard has brought to this forum!
We are here to celebrate our beautiful and beloved Melrose and fight to get it back! Let's do it with creativeness and wonderful storylines like the reunion of the most famous LA twins: Sammy Jo and Amanda!
Thank you, my good old facebook friends and thank you my Dearest Imdb friends! We have a long way ahead but soon we will celebrate!




Why are you guys arguing over something thats been dead and buried. its not going to be resurrected anytime soon, it went to TV Heaven like the rest of the good ones of the past.

"Now....You Die!"



There is ONE idiot who hasnt got the memo the show is dead and gone. The other 99.999% of everyone on this board knows that. This is the REASON why I made this thread, to stop listening to his silly nonesense and put him on ignore so we can talk about the show itself. This moron isnt going to stop and everyone is sick of him. No one takes him seriously anymore but just keep telling him to shut up but he he still doesnt get it. So put him on ignore and be done with it. He doesnt understand NO ONE likes him here and the show is gone forever. Signs of someone veeeeery slow or 14 years old. Eitherway he definitely has no life.


Oh he understands no-one likes him alright and that's exactly why he's posting here. There's no fun in posting weird stuff and not getting a reaction, is there? If everyone stops telling him to shut up he might actually shut up.


The problem is people cant help to respond, thats human nature even when you know you are responding to an idiot. You put him on ignore, less people will be inclined to do so and we can get back to discussing the show.

I dont care that he rambles on anymore and wants to be an attention seeking whore less so than I wish we can just have ONE discussion without him butting in with more inane diatribe and it becoming about him and his silly fantasies. Every discussion is ruined here now. Thats the real problem...unless people put him on ignore IF they are sick of heaing about it.


What we are fed up about is people insulting and behaving as if they were Lenin or Stalin or Fidel Castro: this is not the Soviet Union, nor Cuba. Here, we all (almost... there will always be retards that cannot understand a thing...) have the right to give an opinion or propose ideas. Let me remind you that only in a fascist or communist (which is the same...) system, people are told how to behave or do things. We are in a democracy and we are all equal. So, why insult or forbid!...
Some retards like fctiger and some others (very few, fortunately) are making this forum a poor intellectual place where they only insult and give instructions or orders according to what they want or need.
But as some of us have already said several times, this is not a place to debate about lphilipe or to insult and insult; this is a place to debate about our beloved Melrose.
This forum should come back to what it should have always been: a place to understand things about what happened to our beautiful show, to give ideas, opinions about this wonderful MP experience,...
So let's forget about these poor pathetic little retards and let's celebrate our most famous LA Avenue and its so sexy and gorgeous residents... and let's ignore these pathetic little retards who behave like 5 or 6 y.o.
My Dearest Friends, we have so much time ahead to share our passion about our melrose... so let's DO IT!
