the big mistake was...

Sydney dying ...again. People were looking forward to seeing this show because of her but when she died the first 5 secs when the show started, people were pissed off and did not want watch it anymore. They should have came up with a different storyline and kept her alive.


i agree with that as well. so many fans including myself were so excited that sydney was returning but when they killed her again (and in the first 5 minutes of the very first episode) alot of fans were disappointed and that hurt the show the writers of the new 90210 and melrose place dont seem to be very good anyway.on both shows they screwed up all of the original cast members continuity plus the writing itself is just bad.for 2 shows that were as successful as they were back in the 90s these new writers have let a lot of fans down.


it's not only this show..but alot of the remakes..and other shows..the writers just aren't as good as they used to be..or they just don't care...or sometimes i have a feeling that they are being told to write it crappy, because they (networks) want the shows to fail...

i only watched to episode 8, because that's the part where heather locklear came back..and since i stopped watching the original when that happened again this time....

i really did like the younger cast...since i didn't really watch the original after season one....i couldn't have cared less if sydney and comopany where in there at all.....and i did enjoy the younger cast.......

