I hate this show already

saw the first episode and I will never watch this show ever again.


The first episode was a disaster. An unfunny, badly directed mess. The action is way too fast and hectic. Re-used animation constantly. Thy should've spent less money on getting big name voiceactors, and more money on the animation. And the fart jokes....come on. Still, I'll give the series one more chance.


'An unfunny, badly directed mess. The action is way too fast and hectic. Re-used animation constantly. Thy should've spent less money on getting big name voiceactors, and more money on the animation.'

Reminds me of Marvel's shows after X-Men in the 90's.


My 3 year old son loves it. How old are you guys?

Why So Serious?


I watched the first episode and thought it was okay. It's obvious that it's mainly for kids. But I'll continue to watch this show just for the fun and entertainment of it.

"With great power comes with great - Gullibility!" - The Spectacular Spider-Man


Second episode was much, much better.


The second episode, meaning the one with Senior Repteel?
this show is for 3-5 year olds, and thats not just a suggested
viewing audience, if you're older than that you're going
to get brain damage from watching too long.



NO it's not fun, its Garbage, and an insult to anyone who loved Marvel comics.

You like Superman Returns, so your not credible.

"It's not about money

It's about sending a Message

Everything Burns!"



Well put Grumfield. I think everyone's just all butthurt that the show isn't the epic, action packed, mature Avengers series they wanted.

I like this show. Not my absolute favorite or anything, and sure, it's FAR from perfect, but it is fun to watch, they do sneak some good jokes in there that kids wouldn't pick up on. And you've got to admire the comic book covers spoofing past Comic Books. Of course with this crowd they probably see it as more desecration.

The show REALLY reminds me of the Monkey/Justice Friends segments from Dexter's Laboratory only with the ACTUAL heroes and not blatant spoofs. Hell, the way Hulk is portrayed in Supersquad is nearly identical to his parody Crunk in JF (goofy comic relief)



wow I just came hear to read the comments. the last two people that posted on this fail at english.



lol Grumftheld showed you.

"With great power comes with great - Gullibility!" - The Spectacular Spider-Man


Man, aren't we testy on this thread?

Well, I've only seen the first episode with my 7 year old daughter-neither one of us were impressed, but we might give it another go if I hear better things about it.

I get the "aimed at kids" angle, and it doesn't bother me, but I'm curious to hear from other parents on these boards. My 7 year old disliked it and prefers "Wolverine and the X Men" stating "This show (SSS) is pretty stupid." She did think that the characters were cute, though. I'm waiting to hear what my nieces and nephews think about it before giving a final verdict.

A couple things did bother me. One, it was overly "boy" oriented. I think Marvel needs to understand that a lot of girls like superhero stuff. I think it's a bit sexist to think that little girls only want to watch Barbie films and be princesses. Sometimes (thankfully) they want to fight bad guys and save the world. I grew up with Superfriends and Spiderman and His Amazing Friends and got to be Firestar many a time when we got together with the neighbors and played superheroes. I don't get this attitude of late that superheroes are a "boy" thing-I sure did not get that impression when I was growing up.

Second, on a related note, I felt that the female characters were done quite negatively. Ms. Marvel was portrayed as really bitchy and Storm seemed rather unlikable too-this is not an image I think little boys should warm up to. As I understand, Marvel want to use this show to introduce these characters to a younger audience. Talk about bad first impressions!

I'm quite impressed with the list of voice actors on this show. Tricia Helfer doing Emma Frost! Now if we can only do it in live action too!



i'm watching the 1st episode now. looking forward to my son watching this.


I will now offer respectful counterpoints:

1. It may be "aimed at kids", but I'm 24 and this is one of my new favorite shows. I was never a fan of the Marvel universe to begin with, so I only watch this show for the comedy aspect,

2. Even though it is "overly "boy" oriented", the way they do portray the female characters is at times pretty funny (my 2 favorite examples were when Ms. Marvel fell in love with M. O. D. O. K. and how they retconned Jean Grey into a cheerleader.), and

3. Related to my 2nd point, I feel that, considering the roles they were in during their respective episodes, the female characters were pretty much in-character as far as befitting the situations they were in goes.

On a side note, you're absolutely right about your first point. There are other places for hate threads besides here.



I've been a Marvel fan for my entire life (I'm 39) and this show is a great way to introduce my 3-year-old son to Marvel's characters. He owns a bunch of the toys, and gets really excited when the show is on.

Plus, the satirical nature of the program makes it watchable for his parents - Dr. Doom in a Snuggie!? Too damn funny!!


So DC gets Bruce Timm designed animation and Marvel gets...this.



Yeah, it is pretty obvious this show isn't for teens or adults. The writing and plots are rudimentary at best. I usually love any cartoons that are superhero related but these are definitely for the tots. Even if they weren't I seriously can not stand the stubby shapes they have given the characters. It reminds my of those little short, stout, limbless people that kids would use with their playskool toys. Very annoying. This is the first superhero cartoon in years that I will avoid.

I aim to misbehave!


Well, I'm not the target audience for the show nor do I have any in my household who are. However, many of the shows that I grew up on and still adore are not all "dark and mature" like B:TAS. But I just can't get into this for some reason, it just screams cash cow and creative laziness.

Try not to take life too seriously, no one gets out alive.
