
Am I wrong, or is everybody in this movie carrying a 20th-century firearm? I'm pretty sure Rose and Jules have .38 Police Positives while Gus and Sam use something resembling Colt Pythons.

I know - it's a nit-pick, especially for a low-budget SyFy movie made in Romania (where presumably Colt Peacemakers are hard to come by). I get the same way about airplanes.


No, same thing bothered me. There are loads of reproduction revolvers out there. Would not have been hard to get a few.


Yes the guns were incorrect for the period, and it was annoying.

There was a close up of one gun where I could read "King Cobra" on the side of the barrel. The Colt King Cobra was introduced in 1986.


Be that as it may, I'm pretty sure those aliens aren't accurate either...

It's Tv, not reality ;)


Another irritating thing is the use of chromed steel and checkered wood grips. Also the Police Positive if I'm not wrong were WW vintage with the lanyard attachments. The King Cobra with the vented rib is the worst. Not a bad movie even for a low budget, but those small things sink it.


yeah that was ridiculous!

but if you overlook the flaws its a fun time-killer

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


Yeah I know what you mean, it was an interesting concept and the idea of Cowboys fighting off an alien invasion would be fun. But when you notice errors and plot holes it does take away from a movie.

I had the same problems too. At least try to get it right.


here's a surprise - maybe normal movie goers in sane parts of the planet don't know the arcane differences between models of handgun.
If this were a gun collectors catalog it would matter, but when you look at any amerikan movie especially those featuring foreign countries, the inaccurracies easily exceed the date of a gun. People landing at an airport in one city taking a road between the airport and the city centre from a different city only to end up in a third city before going to a niteclub in the 1st city where the airport was.
Mistaking (say) Bonn for Frankfurt makes a big difference in terms of what can happen next, but with guns what's the diff? You pull the trigger and a bullet comes out teh barrel.

This stuff is a common occurence in most movies yet people don't usually complain, even if they come from the country the cities are in. Why not? Because watching a movie, expecially a fiction movie requires a suspension of disbelief. The actor was just someone pretending to be a cowboy, he doesn't really herd cattle or rob banks, he's an actor, the director could have demanded a bloke trained in the arts of cowboying and robbery but he opted for someone who could read his lines with emotional accuracey .
Similarly the the cities weren't really meant to all be the same town, the film had been shot and cut to pretend it was a city in Germany because that setup had the best mixture of shots and lastly the gun was pretending to be a circa late 19th century handgun, because that was what was available.

Since peeps don't get upset about the big fictions why on earth would the producers imagine anyone who had a life would have the interest, let alone the time, to check out the guns' year of manufacture?


Man, that's a lot of words to sum up "so what"... Minor anachronisms in a low-budget flick don't bother me in the least, but hey, why bother with them at all? Instead of tapping out some Morse on the telegraph, maybe no one would notice if they just whipped out a cell phone. (Come to think of it, there's a huge section of the populace that probably wouldn't notice.)


Yeah well, the writer also thinks Uranium is explosive...


"Yeah well, the writer also thinks Uranium is explosive..."

They did get around that bit with something Jules said. Something about using the uranium and the digestive acids of the aliens together to make the explosion.
A slightly silly throw away explaination but then again it was a slightly silly film.


edenonline to all that I say this; Claudia Sarbu. Claudia Sarbu was the wardrobe supervisor of the movie. She was PAID to make sure that the clothes and guns they actors carried around could pass for the late 19th century era. A vented rib Colt King Cobra revolver cannot pass for a 19th century weapon. She was PAID to know that and she didn't. You don't have to be a gun expert. If someone made a US Civil War movie and the soldiers were carrying around M-16s you'd notice. You shouldn't accept obvious flaws like that in a period film. I see she worked on costumes on Ben-Hur maybe she had Roman Soldiers waving Japanese Katanas around I dunno but it was an obvious mistake that was easily avoidable. Those are the little things that make a good movie ok or an ok movie bad.


In order to have the willing suspension of disbelief, you have to make at least some attempt at getting details within the realm of plausible.

Aliens? Sure, we all figure suspend. Duh.

Explosive Uranium? Pushing it a bit.

Completely anachronistic firearms may not bother you, but to people with some level of firearms knowledge this wasn't a minor one-scene mistake. It was if the director didn't even try. Do you know how easy it is for Hollywierd to rent out reasonably accurate firearms? Especially "cowboy" guns.


Who cares? It's only Yanks who are bothered about such trivia, which is undoubtedly why you shoot more than 100,000 of each other every year.

Your first line displays your lack of logic:

"In order to have the willing suspension of disbelief, you have to make at least some attempt at getting details within the realm of plausible."



More like 30,000 -40,000 killings each year which includes: 1) self defense shootings where armed citizens shot violent criminals 2) Cops shooting violent offenders 3) homicides committed with knives, blunt instruments and other means.

The violent crimes rates are located in about 16 regions, none of which are very lax with gun laws. The places with almost no laws restricting our 2nd Amendment Rights (AZ, VT, NH) have very low crime rates to places with stringent gun laws but high rates of homicides. (Maryland, DC, Chicago, etc.).

It would be best if foreigners who's only source of info is their statist agitprop blurting news organs would restrict their observations to matters which they have personal experience and firsthand knowledge of.


I didn't say killings, I said shootings.

It would be best if Americans who believe they know it all - yet can't even deal with their first language - just kept quiet and stopped showing why the cliché about dumbness is so true.

"Statist agitprop blurting news organs"? Well, it probably looked good when you learned it. I don't use the MSM, I use websites which are not subject to prejudicial comment.

I also learn to read what others have posted before commenting on it, rather than deciding what they might have said and commenting on that. And learn to use English, for goodness sake.


I see your point and go .... naaaahhhhh. Seriously. If someone had a modern BMW in a movie that took place in the 1930s, YOU'D NOTICE and I doubt that you are a car expert. The guns ARE noticeable and obvious. Gee, since you don't seem to think a 100 year anachronism is a problem, let's see the cowboys wear modern polyester jumpsuits. That would FIT according to your logic ;)

Dr. Kila Marr was right. Kill the Crystalline Entity.


Have you noticed how the foreign mouth breathers have decided to troll this thread and make it about us Americans and our rights to individual self preservation instead of sloppy attention to details on the part of the production crew for the props in a period piece?

Thanks for the heads up about the wretched inattention to detail when it comes to the prop guns. It would have ruined my enjoyment of the movie.


There are apparently a lot of non-US based posters on IMDB who delight in insulting Americans and American culture. I gave up on how many TEENS from places like Amsterdam or Stockholm who actually believed that the U.S. was EQUIVALENT to Nazi Germany. Of course anyone who knows anything about history would probably be insulted by that comparison (even if they were NOT American).

I was actually HAPPY that the film was placed in the year 1890s, not the traditional 1880s or 1870s that 'cowboy movies' usually take place in. That way they could have shown a lot of new weapons designs that were cropping up in the aftermath of the development of Smokeless powder. Sigh. But my happiness waned when I saw that they just didn't care a whit about the time period. What a lost opportunity.

Hey, in the future, some low budget lazy filmmaker will show a character with an "I-Pad" in the 1950s......LOL!

Dr. Kila Marr was right. Kill the Crystalline Entity.


What is the point of doing a specific time period placed movie and not getting the Details even close to correct? I think I'll go make a movie about 12th century england and put Cavemen in it. See if the Brit's ignore the details then.

"Is it dead?"-David Della Rocco


Got a better idea! Since we have so many European posters who LOVE to insult Americans in general, Let's make a film about an important part of British history .... and get ALL of the props or wardrobe wrong. Unfortunately, there are quite a few American productions in the past who have done just that. :(

Us Americans don't have the monopoly on bad filmmakers (the world is FULL of them) but recently OUR bad ones have been very very prolific! LOL

Dr. Kila Marr was right. Kill the Crystalline Entity.


Hillbilly, I think the whole WORLD would notice that mistake. I'm sure next to no-one noticed the gun one, even probably 99% of you Americans.
