Ip Man 2 + Rocky IV

Firstly I urge anyone who has not seen both movies to look away as it contains major spoilers.

Things I found to be very similar and in fact gave me a nostalgic feeling:

1) The fact that Apollo and Rocky had a similar relationship to Yip Man and Master Hung Chun-Nam. In the fact that they had both fought and were regarded almost as equal and later began to respect each other.

2) Rocky was ringside with Apollo and Yip man was with Master Hung Chun-Nam

3) The fact that both Apollo and Master Hung Chun-Nam sort of knew that they met their demise.

4) Both Yip man and Rocky both had the towel in their hand but hesitated to throw it in as requested by their fellow fighters.

5) Rocky decided to fight Drago to sort of avenge Apollo's death and preserve the pride of his country, Yip Man went on a similar path.

6) Both Rocky and Yip Man won the fight even though the odds were against them in terms of size and power.

7) Finally and probably the most nostalgic feeling is when Rocky and Yip Man won, they addressed the audience (in both cases had a translator present) and managed to win them over with their pseudo-political speeches.

Just HAD to make a post and see if someone felt the same about this matter.

Let me know :)


I agree 100%. The similarities are staggering. Makes me wonder if it was on purpose.

"Don't look down on yourself, just because other people do."


If I'm not mistaken, this did happen. Rocky IV didn't, unless I'm completely overlooking it and was never exposed to that trivia.

Now, obviously the movie was dramatized, but i like to assume that the research for the film was there, you know, out of respect for the Yip and living relatives. The Rocky films have set a a standard by which so many of these movies understand, and it's ingrained into the brains of film watchers everywhere-whether or not you've seen it.

My point is that I don't think it matters whether or not there was a touch of Rocky there, but Rocky is so much a part of the cultural zeitgeist that there is no derivation from it anymore.

Y'know, like how Citizen Kane changed filmmaking as a whole, the Matrix to stylized American action, and all that jazz.

By NO means would I ever equate *any* of the Rocky movies with these, but rather moments of them-I qualify because I don't want to go on the record saying that the Rocky movies are good. I think they're mostly boring and a bit of crap.

Please don't throw things at me for saying that. I just got a new top and I don't want any of you silly boys ruining it.


You are mistaken. It didn't happen. So the OPs observations about the similarities to this movie and Rocky IV (specifically) still stand.


I got on these boards just to bring up the similarities between the two movies, guess you felt the same way. Haha


Spot on yfzika!
I was waiting for him to yell "YO ADRIAN!!!"


Rocky 4 had a better soundtrack


Lol, true.

The first time I watched this, I was disappointed because it seemed like a rehash of Rocky 4 and I didn't like seeing Ip Man knocked down 4x. I gave it a 6/10.

But I just rewatched it again and I liked it much much more now knowing what to expect. And I now think it's an 8/10 whereas the first film is 10/10 for me. Funny how perspectives change in time.

Global Warming, it's a personal decision innit? - Nigel Tufnel


A bit late but you forgot...

8) Both movies announce the climactic fight in a tense press conference where patriotic insults are thrown

9) Both Rocky and Ip Man take more hits than feasible because metaphor for USA/China

10) The first death-match was intended to be an exhibition fight in both movies


Some one should recut the movie and put the Rocky music into. It would be great. LOL.


Too bad it's not happened yet.
