MovieChat Forums > Suicide Squad (2016) Discussion > Probably the worst movie I've ever seen ...

Probably the worst movie I've ever seen in theaters.

Unreal how bad this was. I'll cop to actually liking BvS. I had problems with the ending but all in all when I left that movie I felt like I got my money's worth and at least ready to see the next entry in the DCCU.

That being said, I was cautiously optimistic regarding Suicide Squad despite the bad reviews. I wanted to like this movie and I can't fathom how bad it was. "Worse than Fantastic Four" didn't even prepare me for what a train wreck this movie was. It had no plot. It made no sense. Everyone in it was terrible. There was no "well at least Ben Affleck was good" in this movie. Everyone sucked.

The fact that this has an audience rating of 70% makes me feel like Donald Trump might win the presidency. We are that stupid.

Illusions Micheal..illusions...tricks are something that a whore does for money.....or Cocaine


This is, word for word, exactly what I thought and felt. Thank you.


I walked out of Batman V Superman. I at least stuck till the end for Suicide Squad. BvS was INSULTINGLY terrible. SS was just... bad.


I walked out of Batman V Superman. I at least stuck till the end for Suicide Squad. BvS was INSULTINGLY terrible. SS was just... bad.

See, I'm the opposite. BvS was bad, but at least it tried. Suicide Squad felt like a personal attack.


Why walk out of BvS? There's been WAY more worse films made. There wasn't anything dreadful with BvS IMO. What made you walk you of BvS?!


I do wonder if people truly walk out or just like to sound over dramatic, which is pretty evident when they claim something is the "worst" thing they have seen.


I think they are also being other dramatic. There wasn't anything unwatchable i.e gore.


You think GORE is what makes a movie "unwatchable"? Not for me. I love gore. My girlfriend and I DEVOUR movies like Martyrs, The Woman, Inside, et cetera. I'm not being dramatic at all when I say I walked out of BvS; why would I choose to waste my time on such an incoherent, loud, and above all BORING movie? Seriously, even the main fight (which lasts like 5 minutes) is uninteresting. And the resolution of it was even worse. After the OK action scene in the warehouse, when doomsday escaped, I was like "okay, I've had enough". And I left. I later watched the Ultimate Edition with a friend (he forced me into it). The UE managed to be an EVEN MORE BORING mess.

Suicide Squad was at least a sort of linear, relatively straightforward story with some actual characters in it. Don't get me wrong, I hated it, but at least it made SOME sense.


You think GORE is what makes a movie "unwatchable"?

Well for some people, yes. Gore is a huge turnoff in films, especially for people who are queasy about the sight of blood. Gore seems a more normal turnoff rather than it just being "boring" and "loud".


Really? Lmao. Well that's a cinema for you.

Not for me.

Ok. Fair enough but not everyone thinks the same as you.

The UE managed to be an EVEN MORE BORING mess.

I don't even know how a 2hr action sequence could be "boring" but each to their own. Boring or not, I don't understand why it would be worth walking out of.


Boring or not, I don't understand why it would be worth walking out of.

THE BORING PART is what makes it worth walking out of. Why would I literally waste my own time?

And I really don't understand why you keep coming back to the gore part. There is no "gore" in freaking PG-13 superhero movies. Why is this even a factor for you?

Also, you realize there are more definitions for "loud" than just "high volume", right? It was LOUD, as in BRASH, which made me utterly numb to everything happening on screen.

I don't even know how a 2hr action sequence could be "boring"

Because a two-hour action scene isn't interesting. (By the way, this movie is FAR from a two-hour action scene.) Action works when it is INTERESTING, dispersed through a movie. You know, script beats.

Both these movies were dumb. And not in a good way.


All I'm saying is IF there was gore, this would make perfect sense as to why someone would walk out of the Theater and not just because it was "boring".

I've been seen plenty of films some of which were horrendously boring, but I've never walked out on anything. Nothing would make me walk out of a Theater unless the film is gross or I'm ill.

as in BRASH

Again, this still refers to noise? I don't understand how that make you walk out?

dispersed through a movie

2/3hrs not enough for you?

By the way, this movie is FAR from a two-hour action scene.

How would you know, you walked out during your first watch? Unless you walked out 5mins before the ending...

The only club I get down at is club penguin.


Your reading comprehension needs a lot of work.

Loud as in brash refers to the fact that it's unrelenting throughout almost the entire runtime, which is not a pleasant way to watch a film. I'm not referring to volume. You need some respite and this movie doesn't give you any.

2/3hrs not enough for you?

It's TOO MUCH for me. How hard is this for you to understand?

How would you know, you walked out during your first watch?

Because I ended up being forced to watch the Ultimate Edition, as I mentioned in a previous comment, for christ's sake. The final action scene in BvS is 45 minutes of utter incoherence. What the hell is Lex thinking? What happens if Doomsday DOES kill Superman and Batman? He'll destroy the entire world. That's a great plan!

Anyway, I'm done with this discussion. I walked out of BvS because it was borderline nonsensical, a plotless, scriptless mess, with NO characters and no redeeming features. SS was ALSO terrible, but for different reasons, and at least it was sort of short.


I'm not referring to volume.

Definition of Brash:
self-assertive in a rude, noisy, or overbearing way

Still a reference to noise.

It's TOO MUCH for me.

You said you prefer action that is dispersed throughout the film. Do you know what dispersed means? The film was on for 3hrs. That's plenty of time for the action to be dispersed throughout. Any shorter, it would all be crammed in.

Because I ended up being forced to watch the Ultimate Edition, as I mentioned in a previous comment, for christ's sake.

I know that HENCE why I said "first watch". I think you also need to learn to comprehend what I'm saying.

During your first watch, you didn't watch the whole film. Until you watched the UE, you had no idea what happened throughout the rest of the film... You walked out of the Theater even though unknowingly to you, you could have missed something good.

The only club I get down at is club penguin.


Oh, piss off with your semantic nonsense. What part of "or" do you not understand in "self-assertive in a rude, noisy, or overbearing way"?

You're just being a little contrarian and I no longer care to play this game. I watched until the end of the title fight and thought: "I can't take any more of this nonsense" and left. I knew I wasn't missing anything good because nothing before it had been good AND nothing about MoS was good, which allowed me to induce that everything else would be crap. It was.

Have fun with your asinine posturing on message boards!


Ok... bye. I will have fun. 

The only club I get down at is club penguin.


Seriously? It wasn't THAT bad. It had a plot and good actors. The reviews didnt criticise the performances, what they were criticising was the directing. A lot of reviews claim that the directing was "choppy" and writing was "sloppy". Both of those points I do actually agree with but the film was still throughly enjoyable IMO.

Sorry but I don't believe people who say this is worse than Fantastic Four. That film was a appaling. This is NO WAY worse than that. The no Razzie nominations for this film will hopefully prove that. Even if this did for some reason get Razzie nominations, it's still not as bad as FF.


Seriously? Have you read some of what the UNBIASED professional critics have said about this movie? When a movie is this poorly structured, edited and written, Razzie has to be in the conversation.


Obviously given the fact that this was poorly reviews by most critics, a Razzie MAY be considered but I would be surprised IF it goes any further than that.

IMO There are plenty of films that are more deserving of a Razzie than this film e.g Zoolander 2, Alice Through The Looking Glass etc.

The user reviews on IMDb and RT suggest that the majority of people liked SS and do not agree with the critics. Of course, user reviews mean BS when it comes to awards but it also shows how different critics and audiences think.


Fantastic Four 1 and 2 and the Fantastic Four Reboot were FAR, FAR worse than Suicide Squad. Can't even explain how much worse.

Other comic movies have been worse...X-men 3, X-men Apocalypse, Daredevil, Amazing Spiderman 2, Spiderman 3...I could go on.

Three worst movies I have ever seen that I thought were going to be good are:

1. The Spirit - worst comic book movie EVER.

2. Mission to Mars- Gary Sinise and Tim Robbins are so horrible in this it pains me to even think about it.

3. Mystery Men - I think onl th Ben Stiller escaped this movie with career intact.

Again I'm only mentioning movies that were hyped to be good to great and we're painful to watch in theater to point of questioning your life choices. Why did I decide to see this movie? At least the manager gave me my money back for The Spirit.


#1 is so tru bec da Spirit wuz unwatchable.

Werd 2 ur mudda, bruddafckka


LOL the spirit, yeah it was probably the worst commercial movie ive ever seen !!!

i did like mission to mars though



It depends how you're telling people. If you're trying to force people to hate this film then yes you are a troll. If all you're saying is you dislike this film then fair enough.


How does one "force" people to hate a film? It was a terrible goddamn movie. Everyone's allowed to share their opinion. Other people can make up their own minds, or choose to take my word for it.


By saying someone's opinion is wrong and insisting theirs is right. Simple.


That still doesn't force anyone to do anything. And, guess what: people who say this movie is a "masterpiece" ARE wrong. Objectively speaking. This isn't a masterpiece by ANY metric you assess a movie by.


See. Example. You saying people who think this film is good are "WRONG" with no questions about it. That's forcing people to conform to one's views, as they are lead to believe they are wrong to believe in such things and they aren't allowed to have their opinions. If someone thinks this is a masterpiece, let them. Objective or not. Everyone has their own standards on what is a "masterpiece" or not. Some people think that good acting and a few laughs would make this film a "masterpiece", whereas some think that choppy editing ruins it.

The only club I get down at is club penguin.


Me telling someone they're wrong is in no way "forcing people to conform" to anything. I don't think you really understand how coercion works, buddy.

If someone thinks this is a masterpiece, let them

Hey, I'm fine with someone THINKING it's a masterpiece! However, they are still INCORRECT. Because, by all objective measures, this is NOT a masterpiece. Unless your definition of "masterpiece" is "steaming pile of terribly edited, convoluted nonsense". Then, of course, it becomes a semantic issue.

And by the way, if you think "good acting and some laughs" makes something a masterpiece, you really need to bring up your standards PRONTO.


I thought you didn't want to put with my asinine posturing on the boards?

Only you're doing more than telling them you're wrong, you're convincing them against their own beliefs i.e by stating it is factually incorrect, even though it may not be. Therefore they aren't left with much choice but to conform. Now THAT is force. Maybe they don't want to believe this film isn't a "masterpiece" because they still thought it was in their eyes.

One definition of "force" is:

make (someone) do something against their will.

you really need to bring up your standards

Did I say this was a masterpiece? No. Again, learn to comprehend what I'm saying. 

The only club I get down at is club penguin.


I'm not convincing ANYONE to go against their own beliefs. Again, you've got NO clue how the process of coercion works. Have you never seen a debate? People disagree and use evidence to support their stance. You don't FORCE anyone to do anything. Specifically not against their will, because they can just choose to keep on disagreeing. Now, with subjective matter it might be more complicated, because some things are immeasurable. For example, someone could have an emotional connection to Will Smith for some reason. So, you have to approach it objectively, and objectively this movie is a mess. Good enough for you?

You're an idiot and you're in WAY over your head.


By insisting something factually "incorrect", you're making them go against their view as there's supposedly no other way about it because you can't argue with facts.

Regardless about whether or not they disagree, it's the fact that someone is trying to persuade someone to agree with them.

The only club I get down at is club penguin.


i just wanna say thanks to you, and other guys. my ignore list is getting bigger. you are just toxic. thanks!


Watch the opening to the movie, "Idiocracy". Intelligence is bum-rushed by ignorance. Dumb movies are praised as good, and mediocre movies are classics to this generation.


I'd agree about the plot being less than excellent, but I think you're completely off-base about everything else. This was a visually interesting and well acted movie - heaps of charisma from Margot Robbie and solid performances from Will Smith and Cara Delevingne and everyone else. A small caveat to this would be that I was not that excited by the interpretation of the Joker but otherwise very good.

Maybe if they had fewer characters we could have seen better writing that served the development of those characters. What was definitely needed was a better concept of a threat to be challenged instead of a cliched monster attack.


I try and avoid true crap whenever I can but walked right in to this mess.

Not the worst I've ever sat through but damn close.
