MovieChat Forums > Suicide Squad (2016) Discussion > DCEU Dumb Staples In Every Movie: Death ...

DCEU Dumb Staples In Every Movie: Death of Innocents, Shallow Plot and -

List the staples or the norms for every DCEU movie in this thread.

After three films there's been a pattern of what we can expect.

How about we start with needless death of innocent people and destruction on a stupid scale. MOS and BvS it's obvious but here it was a bit more veiled. Innocents being turned in to video game monsters and slaughtered by the Squad, a U.S. Aircraft Carrier cut in half and destroyed with all hands on deck as a throw-away scene, an entire city devastated, etc.

What else?


Since when has people dying in a blockbuster movie ever been unusual? In this movie's case though, it would seem that the only innocent civilians that actually died were some of the people on the train station, and the guards that the Joker and his goons killed. The entire city was apparently evacuated after the aforementioned subway attack, and the people who got turned into those cheap looking caviar monsters seemed to mostly be soldiers who knew what they were getting themselves into.


Something just dawned on me thanks to your thread.

The villians are clearly the real heroes! When the villians take control, only a few innocents die. When Superman and Batman go crazy, lots o' people gonna die!

Get busy livin' or get busy dyin'...
...That's god damn right.


In this movie's case, it's kind of hard for lots of people to die if most of the city had already been evacuated.


In this movie's case, it's kind of hard for lots of people to die if most of the city had already been evacuated.

I find it amazing just how quickly you can evacuate a whole city so quickly, I would have thought it would have been a logistical nightmare but apparently not.

To make a great film you need three things - the script, the script and the script -Alfred Hitchcock


Anyone watching this dumb movie with logic finders turned on would go insane. This is the movie that would kill a Vulcan in the Star Trek universe.


The villians are clearly the real heroes! When the villians take control, only a few innocents die. When Superman and Batman go crazy, lots o' people gonna die!

That's what happens when your characters are shallow and one dimensional whether they be hero or villain. BAD writers feel the need to up the stakes taking the cheap and easy route using countless faceless deaths. They don't realize all this does is cheat the movie of soul and the depth they are struggling to find. Too many DC characters are shallow because of their source material history. So, this does nothing but handicap the bad writers the WB have been employing because they have to make it all up themselves with no foundation or no other work to reference or copy.


"I can't even imagine someone wanting to see this trash more than once. It's so badly written, shallow and cheesy. Is it the 20 minutes or so of video game action that appeals to people lower on the developmental scale?"

People admitting they've seen it more than once reminds me of a 2 year old watching a Baby Einstein DVD over and over again.

That or the episode of Seinfeld where Elaine was getting dumber and found those spinning tires outside of a gas station highly entertaining.

Maybe female fans of DCEU just need to clear their minds?


That's exactly why the blu-ray sales were so awful.


Why does every DC movie need to feature the death of so many innocent bystanders. From Waller killing those seven fellow agents for no reason (followed immediately by a jokey one liner by Will Smith) to all those innocent civilians turned in to bubbly zombie monsters. WHY?


It's like BvS doubled down on the death and destruction in Man of Steel after addressing the complaints then ignoring what they addressed.


Why does every DC movie need to feature the death of so many innocent bystanders. From Waller killing those seven fellow agents for no reason (followed immediately by a jokey one liner by Will Smith) to all those innocent civilians turned in to bubbly zombie monsters. WHY?

I'd say bad writers chose the easy way out to try and convey emotion and conflict. That's why.


Why ask the question when DC/WB doesn't even know the answer.
