He actually looks like him!

Who woulda thought?


He's been doing the impression since 2000, most people know that by now.


He looks nothing like him. People are just so used to seeing him as Bush they start to think that's what Bush looks like.

I do not have attention deficit disor...Ooh, look at the bunny!


either way he was funny as hell. Bushisms...LMFAO!

First rule of leadership: everything is your fault.


it was funnier in 2000. After 8 long years , America is sick of Bush ...I just think the timing is bad and it's way too long.


The timing is just the point, he was supposed to do this as a farewell to Bush. If the people are sick of Bush, laughing at his expense is a good thing.

The #1 forum for Will Ferrell fans on the internet: http://www.willferrellfanforum.tk/


it's still bad timing...we've been laughing at Bush for years...it just feels off.
