Just not that funny

I'm a huge Will Ferrell fan. The scene in Old School where he hits himself in the neck with a tranq dart makes me cry laughing.

I'm not a huge fan of Dubya. Very much the opposite. That said this is really not very funny. I mean Ferrell does a good W but 90 minutes? After 25 minutes I was checking the clock. It essentially recounts his life and high (low) points of his 8 years in office which were horrific for our country and downright embarrassing, and so the comedic material is limited. Making fun of all his missteps, scandals and boneheaded mannerisms winds up seeming vindictive. Unless you are a hardcore liberal wanting to see Bush ridiculed to no end I'm not sure what the point is here other than Ferrell getting the last bit of mileage out of an excellent impersonation.

I had high hopes but really there's just not much funny about Bush's presidency beyond the moron himself, and after about 5 minutes you get it, yeah, the guy's an idiot, and was surrounded by frightening ideologues who took our country over a cliff.


Yeah okay.


bad timing....everyone is sick of Bush...it's difficult to watch Will on stage, he's like the guy with the lampshade on his head at the end of a party.


Once again...whatever. It was F'ING HILARIOUS the whole way through. Maybe you just watched 10 hours of the funniest things ever in history before watching this or something because if you did I'd like to get ahold of a copy of those tapes you watched so that I can watch this special after watching what you watched in marathon form to see if I still laugh the whole way through watching this Will Ferrell special.


well said, this thing was fkin funny, I don't care what anyone says.

the whole thing is making fun of George W.

If any of you didn't get the point.


I think Ferrell could do a great 90minutes Bush, but thinking back to former bush performances I have to say it's by far not his best acting. There were many great jokes but to me it felt more like a final night with Ferrell than with Bush ;). Nonetheless: nice show.



You'd think Jeb would have better things to do than come to IMDb and defend his brother.

The #1 forum for Will Ferrell fans on the internet: http://www.willferrellfanforum.tk/


lol nice






hahahaha, oh my god, this is hilarious, moral of the story, dont invent dumbass ideas such as "liberal hatred" or if you do at least be ready for what's coming to you

p.s. this special was okay




hahaha, that's right, you better watch your mouth

Liberal Hatred - 1
You - 0



hahaha, nice capital letters, you sure are angry huh? perhaps you should get a life, you might find it very rewarding, oh you little lost lamb, let me clarify something for you, i am not competing with you, for the same reason i would never compete at the special olympics, now you *were* competing against "liberal hatred" for awhile, albeit in your own head, as "liberal hatred" doesn’t actually exist, but unfortunately for you, you lost, because you suck, too bad

case in point, you have degraded to calling me a... SLOB! AHAHAHAHAHA! truly hilarious, will i ever recover from such fierce criticism? and it was in all caps! the power you possess is unmatched, you'll for sure be student council president when you get to high school





Yes, sadness is typically expressed by capitalizing every single letter in your sentence and finishing it off with 3 exclamation points..... pathetic





... except for the fact that Will Ferrell was the first person to impersonate George Bush. So, from an entertainment perspective, it's Ferrell's act to reclaim. And who cares what the real George Bush is like. It's comedy.


So let me get this if I break into your home, steal everything you own, kick the dog, have sex with your underage daughter while doing coke, that makes me smarter then you. Which of course all the above is tantamount to being a liar and a criminal, which is the point of my comment. But yet in your eyes that would still make me smarter? Wow no wonder our country got into such a *beep* storm.


wrong thread perhaps?




1300 on an SAT does NOT make you intelligent. I got a 1900. Am I a genius? No f'cking way. Don't make yourself sound stupid.


I love it when someone wants to compare brain pans and proves themselves to be sub par. Kid, first, learn to punctuate. "..." does not end a sentence, it carries it over. Meaning that entire trail of nonsense you wrote is one, long, insane sentence. And secondly, did you really type "doosh", and THEN have the nerve to try and insult the intelligence of others?



FYI: bush scored what would be a 1300+ on today's SAT...thereby classifying him as intelligent.
Bush was not stupid. He often looked stupid, sounded stupid, even acted stupid but you just don’t get in the position he was in these days by being stupid. Which, logically, means he had a pretty good idea of what he was doing and the consequences of his decisions. Which makes him an evil person in the eyes of the majority of people for the state he left this country in after he was done. Are there better Bush impersonations? Probably. Are there funnier people than Will Ferrell? Probably. But this show, or one like it needed to be done. We need to laugh at Bush, or else just live with the truth that we elected him not once but twice....


OP is right. There were 2-3 LOL moments (Yellow Cake/Niger, for example), but it was rather lame. The segment where he gave audience members nicknames was a pathetic attempt to flesh out the time of the performance.

What the $%*& is a Chinese Downhill?!?


"The segment where he gave audience members nicknames was a pathetic attempt to flesh out the time of the performance."

How so?

The #1 forum for Will Ferrell fans on the internet: http://www.willferrellfanforum.tk/


Well, I enjoyed it pretty much. Maybe not THAT funny, but honestly, I liked Will Ferrell in this stuff more than in any of his movies. And there were really awesome moments. Hell, even the silly jokes were pretty entertaining (I'm talking about the robot stuff).



Really? Who was the first? Because those SNL skits back in 2000 are the earliest I remember anyone imitating him.



Umm ... yeah. My point is, Ferrell was the first one to impersonate Bush, back in 2000 on SNL.


"At first"? W. didn't come out until October late last year. That was ok right, but something coming out in January? Oh heavens no!

The #1 forum for Will Ferrell fans on the internet: http://www.willferrellfanforum.tk/



Exactly how old are you?

The #1 forum for Will Ferrell fans on the internet: http://www.willferrellfanforum.tk/



I don't like Will Ferrell too much. Step Brothers was terrible and the only movie I found really funny with him in it was Anchorman.

I thought this show was great. It was pretty much exactly what I expected only much more overblown. It had some awkward moments but it was very entertaining. People who didn't find it funny probably like Will Ferrell's over-the-top, slapstick, improvisational and immature humor more than his over-the-top political humor.




Some people have god-awful senses of humor.. and you johnc 22 are one of them.. My question is if you don't laugh at this what do you laugh at?


What is wrong with you?



First: preceding all others in time, order, or importance: see Earliest


Making fun of all his missteps, scandals and boneheaded mannerisms winds up seeming vindictive. Unless you are a hardcore liberal wanting to see Bush ridiculed to no end I'm not sure what the point is here other than Ferrell getting the last bit of mileage out of ...

Right, I agree with this part of an above post. Unless you're vindictive and meanspirited, this film holds no real value ... it's just a screen version of an irrational messageboard gang war.

It's all part of the Bush Derangement Syndrome though... some people have this insatiable need to consistently mock and attack George W Bush for no real rational reason. Charles Krauthammer defined Bush Derangement Syndrome as "the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency — nay — the very existence of George W. Bush". Will Farrell should be named president of the Bush Derangement Syndrome FanClub. Lol.. :)

Symptoms of Bush Derangement Syndrome include:
1. Believing that Bush caused Hurricane Katrina.
2. Believing that Bush was behind 9-11.
3. Calling Bush stupid despite the fact that he has degrees from Harvard and Yale and is a trained fighter pilot.


hahaha, oh man


Huge Will Ferrel fan, but I gotta say this was one of the worst stand up routines I've EVER seen....
This aint a biased opinion either as I also Hate bush so what the hell happened??
I think I smirked once when he yelled at the dude grinning for the second time, And thats it....



Liberal Hatred is coming for you



Yes, completely you moron, Liberal Hatred has consumed you, so much in fact you believe i thought this show was funny, i fell sorry for you, plain and simple











