Will Ferrell you are my true and only God

May your wings forever take dream


If Will Ferrell is your God, that's really sad.



Haha great reply dude ^_^



If you kill that man you die next. Repeat, if you kill that man you die next.


Amen to your Amen!
All Mighty Will!


He's not funny and he's a immature freakin moron like all bush haters...I mean come on grow up he's not freakin president anymore.


You don't have to be a hater of anyone to find humor when someone does a really good impression of said person. So, by your logic, a Bill Clinton impression done by Darell Hammond isn't funny either. If you don't personally find something funny, sucks to be you but that's you man.


ok...there are a lot of things and people that are not funny in life, It's just what you like and don't like. And all I did was give a honest opinion.



I think this is Ferrell at his best. The subject was and still is ripe, deserving, and on target, though of course the whole performance is hyperbolic, and that's exactly why it works. Dubya's was a tragic presidency for the country, but it's amazing that so many cannot or refuse to see that. But the show is much less political than a burlesque, and the fact that Ferrell wrote it makes it all the more impressive. I've never been a Ferrell fan, but this combined with Elf, The Campaign, and a few funny SNL bits have changed my mind, if only a little. I'm watching it more than five years after it premiered on HBO, and it holds up surprisingly well. It may be that future generations, or the few in them who care to look back, will be befuddled that W had so many supporters, at least for a while; they'll see that the corporate media didn't ask enough questions about the misguided policies of the 2000s--and not just Fox News--but maybe they'll also look back and see that a few did tell the truth, namely Colbert, Stewart, and, just maybe, Will Ferrell. And to those of you who love Dubya and hate this show, well turn it off! Just as Sean Hannity isn't for me, so it might be that this delightful show might not be for you!
