Sad Attempt By Ferrell To Remain Relevent

Amusing only in small parts, and painfully unfunny, forced and awkward the rest of the time, this attempt by Will Ferrell to distract people from the fact that his last couple movie didn't do very well and his era as Hollywood's neurotic "it" person are now over. Face it Will, people only like over-the-top performances recycling the same shtick for so long. Either go Jim Carrey's route and extend your 15 minutes with some award-friendly arthouse output, or prepare for the rest of your career in straight-to-video limbo.


Yeah ok, Step Brothers = Hit. Land of the Lost = Assured hit. Only movies of his that has bombed fairly recently is Semi-Pro. And 15 minutes? He's been huge since 2003, I wouldn't call that 15 minutes.

The #1 forum for Will Ferrell fans on the internet:


Sorry, but it's time to update.

Land of the Lost an assured hit? Can you say third place opening? Can you say defeated by a movie that's been out for a week AND a raunchy adult comedy with a smaller audience pool than a PG-13 summer blockbuster?


Step brothers opened at 30 million it's first weekend. That would be his last movie. It grossed 100 million. That's good for an R rated comedy. So are you a Will Ferrell hater, or a Republican?


But I assume you thought W. was funny? Yes? Like I said in my thread, I laughed the whole way through. It was hilarious.


It was hilarious...people who hated it just loved Bush, if that was possible. Bush is VERY easy to make fun of, and Ferrell proved that!



Yeah I'm sure you could have written and acted out a one-man show like this one.

The #1 forum for Will Ferrell fans on the internet:



Good that we got that covered, now saying Will isn't "that talented" when he's done just that, written and performed a one-man show on Broadway is a bit silly. You may not have found it funny, but it takes a lot of talent to do what he did.

The #1 forum for Will Ferrell fans on the internet:






op if you are serious then i feel sorry for anyone and everyone who has to suffer you presence... this was hands down one of the funniest....anything... i have ever seen i mean i was in raptures for almost the entire 91 minutes.. will ferrel perfectly embodies the notion of what most of us perceive to be bush. and if you disagree.. then you are either a republican or have 0 sense of humour or intelligence more importantly.


How about the fact that I didn't think it was funny because for the most part it wasn't funny. It was boring, it was full of all kinds of awkward silences and it went on way too long. Oh look, he's having George Bush rap. Funny. Ha. Ha. Let's pretend like these dated jokes that I've heard 100 times already are still funny.

The only part that worked for me was when he was giving audience members nicknames. I at least cracked a smile, because it was on the fly and most importantly, new material.

I feel sorry for anyone and everyone who has to suffer YOUR presence, because if you were really in raptures for 91 minutes, then you must be the annoying kind of person who laughs at everything that no one wants to be around.


Oh look, he's having George Bush rap



Wow, were you right. That Will Ferrell just dropped right off the map like you were talking about. I'd say he had more like 10 minutes of fame, the no-talent hack!
