Absolute crap

Watching this film, I felt like the office workers in UK's THE OFFICE having to listen to David Brent's completely unfunny comedy routine. Now, David Brent's unfunny shtick was very funny to us. But not to the co-workers in the office. It was an unfunny mess. That opening scene was not only 10 of the unfunniest minutes in entertainment since Chevy Chase's late night TV attempt, it kept going and going. Kevin Smith can't even write anymore. He's writing lines from other movies hoping to get a laugh.

This film, and I use that term loosely, is an unfunny mess. Do not waste your time.



I am agree with both of you. This movie is really one of the WORSE movies I've ever seen, and I mean it!
I have rated only a handful of movies with 1/10. Amongst them: Paul Blart: Mall Cop, The Marine 2, The Green Berets, Glen or Glenda (yes, it is THAT bad) and a few more. Yet, Cop Out is even worse in many leves than most, if not all, of the aformentioned movies.
The only scenes I liked were: 1) when that brat kicks Tracy Morgan in his "netherlands". 2) when Sean William Scott's character breaks his neck. They both (Tracy and Sean) were as unfunny and annoying as it's humanly possible.
What on earth was Bruce Willis thinking about, when he accepted to appear in this stinker? I've never been a fan of Kevin Smith movies, but at least his previous flicks are watchable, unlike this turd.

BTW Ana de la Reguera is uber-hot! she's the only good thing on this crap-fest.


How dare you lump in 'Green Berets' and 'Glen or Glenda' with that crap! At least those movies were funny!

"To be or not to be." That's not really a question.- Jean-Luc Godard


I gotta agree ... pile of *beep* all over.


Not very good at all. I heard Alec Baldwin bigging Morgan up in The Actor's Studio this afternoon but I'd no idea who he was as I've never seen 30 Rock. By coincidence I watched half of Cop Out this evening and couldn't believe how bad one of the leads was, overacting and totally ruining what could have been a passable movie. So I came here to find out if anyone actually liked it and it looks about 50/50. I will watch the rest but I'm not really looking forward to it!
Maybe Morgan is great in 30 Rock. I will check it out and see. But he's out of his depth here for sure. No wonder Willis is lacklustre.
Ca' canny now.



"Kevin Smith can't even write anymore. He's writing lines from other movies hoping to get a laugh."

He didn't write the screenplay. Not that if he wrote it it would be any better..Kevin Smith is finished,forever and ever.
