To Be Continued

I just finished watching the complete DVD and although I loved it, I am curious as to whether the "To Be Continued" implies that episode three occurs after the complete film and for some reason was not included. When I did the math episodes one and two are long enough to fill the time Netflix says the DVD holds...which leads me to wonder whether the third episode is actually the end and was not included for some reason.

Is the third episode included in the Complete DVD or was it left off.....does anyone know?



It's a little confusing. The Complete DVD collects "Godkiller: Walk Among Us" episodes 1-3 (the episodes are about 25 minutes each). The to-be-continued is leading up to the next 3 episode arc that will come out starting early next year :)
So the Complete DVD includes everything that's out so far


That makes so much sense! Thank you. I kept looking around to see if there was any talk of a next part, but finding nothing, which is why I started to wonder about the third episode. Thank you for the info!

I am now frustratedly waiting for next year though, many unanswered questions!!!


purplepineapple glad you like godkiller

Now end of day and Iam the Reaper:Silent hill


Yeah great movie .. also downloaded the Ashes of Tomorrow E-Comics...Even better! But.. it would really be nice to have a proper forum and some feedback from the writers so us fan could keep aware of whats in the pipe for production. Plus it be nice to speculate and discuss with other fans!
