
I generally love this movie it gets away from the usual Santa Clause in trouble plots but one thing bothers me a little and that is the rather cold manner in which Patti informed Emily of her mother's death. I couldn't imagine a children's social worker telling her in an almost casual manner, "She's not coming home, there was an accident, she died". Also the fact that Emily displayed little or no emotion when informed, I'm sure most kids would burst out crying.


I get the feeling the girl didn't quite understand death entirely.


I disagree that most kids, on hearing about the death of a loved one, would "burst into tears." When, as a kid, I experienced a similar tragedy, I felt completely numb, and didn't cry until much later. Which is what happens in this film. I thought the little girl was great and that "The Christmas Hope" is one of the better Hallmmark type movies. The only thing that struck me as odd is that we never see the little girl's baby sitter.
