Plot Hole

I noticed this the first time I watched the movie and it really ruined it for me. Normally, I can look past a plot hole, but this was just so inexplicable that I spent the rest of the movie unable to think about anything else. What's weird is I haven't found this mentioned any where else. Maybe someone here can clear this up or explain this to me, because I just don't get it.

So this happened after Sinestro killed the guy and blamed Hal Jordan for it. They go in front of the Guardians who believe Sinestro. Now I understand that if there were just some regular organization on Earth that this sort of thing would happen because the leaders would be more likely to side with an experienced member over the impulsive new guy. But can't the Guardians read minds? It seems like you wouldn't have to choose one over the other when you can check it pretty easily. I've read it a few different places that they can't read everyone's mind and maybe Sinestro can block out the Guardians. But Hal wouldn't know how to do that. They could just read his mind and see that he was unconscious during the thing.

Is there something here that I'm missing, because this seems like a really big mistake.


Not a plot hole, and no they can't read minds whatsoever


The Guardians are telepathic and can communicate with brain waves (I think ?)... But they can' minds like the Martian man hunter.


The Guardians are telepathic and can communicate with brain waves (I think ?)... But they can' minds like the Martian man hunter.

Telepathy IS the ability to read minds.


Read minds? I've read a number of Green Lantern comics and I've never seen them do that. There have been times where Hal even deceived the Guardians.

The Guardians are telepathic with each other, but I've never seen them read other people's minds.



Read minds? I've read a number of Green Lantern comics and I've never seen them do that. There have been times where Hal even deceived the Guardians.

All of the comics that you've read contain plot holes. Haha. I'm just messing with you.


The rings record everything and can detect which ring a blast was fired from so even if the Guardians can't read Hal's mind they should be able to check his ring to see he didn't do it. This movie glosses over things like that though. No need to recharge, no yellow impurity, no will power and if your ring is depleted and then destroyed of course you reran your Green Lantern uniform. Its a lazy script overall.


LET'S not forget that Senestro was able to revive, with his RIng, the dead guy he'd killed to find the Weaponers planet Quard... why coudln't the guardians do that?
