Hard to believe

Just have seen it. Extremely moving. I don't want to be a spoiler but the ending is hard to believe... And those who see it will know what I mean... The last image, the very last one, with Annette and the Kid, is very touching but... was it true?

Quelques informations s'il-vous-plaît...

Très belle reconstitution d'époque... Pas un grand film mais un très grand et douloureux sujet très bien réalisé par Rose Bosch.

Les enfants sont superbes.

Si seulement il n'y avait plus de guerre nulle part en ce monde... Mais ça ne cesse jamais... Hélas!


Who knows...But i agree, this movie was extremely touching and well done. The acting was great and kudos to all the child actors who participated.Great photography and direction as well.

ps: Mathieu Di Concerto is the face of the movie


Its based on the story of Jo Weisman. He was a guest speaker at my school (FIU) a last Tuesday (1/25/2011) and told us about the movie, his story etc. We asked if the movie had been "romanticized" for "hollywood". He said no, that the movie was made the way it was supposed to be made.

PS. My main language is not English, but I am trying. Please excuse my grammar.


thank you, and you did just great


That's interesting, thanks a lot for sharing! Also, take out the "a" before "last Thursday" and your English is perfect.


As a fan of Jean Reno, I watched it with expectation, it turned out to be a great historic movie with very touching stories for every one in the event. Glad to know Jo is still a living eyewitness of the horrid dark history of France. Couldn't believe French government was cold-blooded as the Nazi regime during that war time.


"Couldn't believe French government was cold-blooded as the Nazi regime during that war time."
Not to defend any criminal act here, but to put it in a bit of perspective, I'd be inclined to think Petin and some other guys (not all) believed they were picking the least evil, between total annihilation during a War they had pretty much lost, and servitude to the "Evil Empire" with a hope of France standing back one day.
Some people/government, like De Gaulle, fled their homeland to regroup and eventually fight back, others thought that having the government leaving its country was the end of it, and so they had to stay, at any cost.. (I guess even if the country was reduce to half its size..).

Now I'm sure some more "evil" people did enjoy the ride fully..


It's a hauntingly beautiful film that makes a stoic person like me breakdown into tears. I loved it.

I'm feeling rough, I'm feeling raw, I'm in the prime of my life.



