Redemption is too easy

So, you know the recidivism problem the parole officer keeps referring to?
All you need to do is send ex-cons to live with their daughter and all of a sudden they become model citizens.
(and don't get me started on how the wife instantly gives away all her resentment without any explanation)

"They who... give up... liberty to obtain... safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."


He bought his house back from his ex-wife, and THAT'S why she gave up her resentment, because she was only interested in money.

As for becoming a model citizen, he wasn't a criminal before, he just made a bad product. There was no "life of crime" for him to return to, but the whole former company thing was a bit suspicious. Seems to me they would have shut it down and divided the assets among the victims.

If we all liked the same movie, there'd only be one movie!
