
Uh, hey, guys, did you know that most Eastern Europeans aren't part of any mob and that all those sexy and exotic Eastern European women can get married without being coerced and mail-ordered?

Next time, Hollywood, maybe try to do a little research? Perhaps involve actual Eastern Europeans in your movie before writing about them?

Manuscripts don't burn.



Would you rather a movie be funny and entertaining, or authentic?
Most of us don't know or much care if it was a bit whimsically inaccurate.


I'd rather have those two categories not be mutually exclusive! Movies like "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" are both funny and though contain stereotypes, those stereotypes are done in an un-degrading way; both Greeks and non-Greeks can laugh! There are funny Eastern European writers and actors out there. Having more diversity in Hollywood can only help it in the long run.


First of all Croatia is not Eastern Europe, but Southeast Europe. It belongs to the Balkans which has little to do with actual EE countries like Russia or Poland. I know it sounds petty but Balkan people are a kind of their own and that should be acknowledged.

More important: the names Vadik Nikitin and Masha Nikitin do not sound Croatian at all. They do sound very Russian thogh


That is true, and I apologize.

Manuscripts don't burn.



I am really surprised at how many watched this flick because it involved Crustaceans [oops]. I would have thought that more would be interested in being entertained than being offended. Guess they picked the wrong minority to poke fun at.

The best thing about insomnia is, nobody can wake you up.
