How did it end?

I didn't stick around for the finale.


Alice was revealed to be the magic man all along. If I'm not mistaken she was the wife of the old sheriff. And it was revealed that all the victims that were kidnapped by the magic man were revealed to be alive.

"You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling."


Much appreciated!


No problem.........

"Beauty is the means which we use to measure our own vanity."


Can you explain why Alice was kidnapping these people?


I'm pretty sure there was no explanation for it. Just a way to say that they wrapped everything up by showing you "The Magic Man".

Pretty lame, unless they didn't really know they were being cancelled, and were really intending to tell us more later.


No explanation. Supposedly Alice had been dead for years. The Sheriff drove to another town, went into a bar and Alice was the bartender. He says to her "You never told me they were alive." And she says "You never asked."

The End - that was it. The show was written to continue but didn't get renewed; so you don't get that finish.
