MovieChat Forums > Kynodontas (2009) Discussion > Made me think of regimes like the one in...

Made me think of regimes like the one in North Korea...

Using lies, propaganda, restricting access to the outside world, keeping the people ignorant in order to control them. Great film.


Hmm, not quite sure.
To me,it seems more like regimes in some western countries (USA for instance).
Totalitarianism which is actually sweet to those inside it (citizens).


I agree, SheLeppie. I had the same thoughts while watching it.


It made me think of North Korea too. How people are kept in control by fear.


Why not - totalitarian dystopia and the cataclysms waiting to happen when market economy & knowledge of the outside world is introduced. Certainly a valid way of approaching the film.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


"Using lies, propaganda, [..] keeping the people ignorant in order to control them."

"How people are kept in control by fear."

...You do realize that that's exactly what's happening in America too, right? Or any western nation for that matter.

I mean, come on... That should be extremely obvious.

We're being lied to on pretty much every aspect of our lives. We're being fed propaganda through any imaginable form of media. And ever since this wave of so-called "terrorist attacks" started we're being bombarded with fear, fear, and even more fear, every single day of our lives.

When I read your post I was genuinely surprised you compared this film to North Korea. As the exact same thing has been happening right at your front door, in extremely vast amounts, every single day of your life, for at least the past 15 years.

If that's not a sign of someone being kept ignorant, I don't know what is.



I think the movie wanted to make reference to the German Democratic Republic in the late 80's:
1. The garden wall should remind of the Berlin Wall.
2. They used a tape deck, which stands for the 80s.
3. They used video tapes (not DVDs) with movies like Rocky and Flashdance and the parents find this material harmful to their kids. In the GDR movies and music from the West was prohibited too.
4. Christina worked for the security and she reminded me of an agent for the Ministry of State Security.
5. The parents wanted to protect the kids against the world behind the wall, which was standing for West Germany. They used propaganda for it, telling the kids, how bad and dangerous it is there.
6. The parents used a point system to make the kids compete against each other. This reminded me of the East German sport system at that time. You could only get gratifications by being successful in sports.
