The VCR tapes

Okay, so the eldest daughter barters for the VCR tapes. So far these are the movies I have been able to figure out that she must have watched.

Rocky- Her training to fight.

Jaws- When they are in the swimming pool.

Flashdance- The solo dance she does for the family.

What movie does 'Bruce' come from and I am I missing any other references?

Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?


I was wondering the same thing. I was also wondering why there are 3-4 films when she only gets two movies. Bruce is either the name of the brother or father (they call for him during the scene where the father is looking for the daughter.)


I believe she was given 3 films. I'm still not sure where she got Bruce from though since it seemed she wanted to be called that shortly after seeing the films


Nope. I was wrong. They're calling her, the missing eldest, because she'd asked to be called Bruce after watching the movies.


Bruce is the name of the shark in Jaws, though I am not sure that his name is ever actually mentioned in the movie.

Also she is quoting Rocky IV, not the original Rocky.


So, Bruce=Jaws Thanks! I didn't even know he had a name. 

Also, good call on Rocky IV.

Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?
