MovieChat Forums > Hashmatsa Discussion > Are they only hurting themselves?

Are they only hurting themselves?

It may sound horrible but when they showed the knife attack scenario in the bank my first impression was that it was the Jews themselves who did it and the reason why I thought that this could be a consideration is because they have this organisation the ADL whose primary function is to stamp out anti-Semitism, so if there is no anti Semitism then why wouldn't they create some. They are a $70b a year business according to the filmmaker and their business is anti-Semitism, without it they are nothing, I find this a rather troubling way to make money.

What the Israeli regime is doing in Palestine is a disgrace to humanity, I've always thought that but this film helped me to understand why it continues with little recourse, these children were quite clearly being indoctrinated to feel victimized, that the whole world was out to get them and this is simply not true, I never heard them once explain to the children about the Jewish participation in WW2. They were no angels in this conflict, far from it and if you read 'Mein Kampf' you will see that Hitler chose to remove them from society because he felt they were a danger to their peace and harmony, many of them were in control of large financial institutions and they were also very active in as he saw it polluting the media and the arts, Hitler though Germans should be more conservative and that these powerful Jews were recklessly attempting to take over the country, a fact which is heavily backed up, there was also an international embargo placed upon Germany from world wide Jewish groups way before any anti-Jewish laws were in place. Hitler in a bid to end the embargo assisted many Jews to emigrate to Palestine for which they screwed him over. These same groups then used their worldly might to wage war against Germany and were especially significant in dragging in the USA and the reason being was that Hitler had abolished usury, the economic system that Jews were using to trick money out of the Germans and they didn't like that. There were also a large contingent of Jews who were communists and sought to align with Stalin (who had many powerful Jewish staff) and Hitler could see the danger of this because he knew how brutal they were.

All in all it was the greed of the powerful Jews that led to the holocaust, something that is never mentioned to these children and is also hidden from much of the public, in fact if anyone mentions it they get accused of being anti-sematic :~

The truth is this war was bad for everyone and they really shouldn't act like they were the only victims, the real victims were the innocent people caught up in this global power struggle by greedy elitists.

Good film though, if any Jewish people watching it need to take anything from it, its that you need to accept responsibility for your own actions and not to always blame other people because they are only hurting themselves in the end.


I agree.


i agree you both are racists with a very skewed perception of the Jewish role in WWII and responsibility of them in their horrific treatment.

