It seems impossible to...

Play as a marine

What happened happened and can't happen any other way


in what multiplayer? I beast as a marine. you just have to know how to play as them.


I guess death match. I've never actually played the game, but looking at game reviews and gameplay videos, it looks like they are like fish in a barrel.

What happened happened and can't happen any other way


yea usualy playing in deathmatch, all the marines just run to they're deaths, I'm usually more cautious, and it pays off in a big way. no joke, usually when I play as a marine I can mow down every predator, alien and other marines that looks at me wrong. lol I don't want to seem egotistical, its just really easy to kill something when it doesn't consider you a threat. But I suck with the other races. XD


lol I'm looking forward to getting this (or the newest one) whenever I get some money

What happened happened and can't happen any other way


Don't use the pulse rifle, it's so freaking unreliable trying to hit an alien in the dark that's going from wall to wall, floor to ceiling and in your face, the pulse rifle just doesn't have the stopping power or the accuracy.

When I say accuracy I mean, it's practicly impossible to actually see and aim with it when it's firing because the yellow thingy that comes out is so big and blocks the view and the aiming reticle. The grenade is good when used right but most of the time it just slows them down or makes a loud bang.

If I get XBOX live and play this game online, I'm worried that there won't be anyone to play with and it will take forever to get a match started.

I want to play online with the different skins and play as Thalien . Can you play as the Runner Aliens ? The ones that look like ALien 3 ?
