Open world

I love these types of games, i loved playin AVP 2 on PC, and i was really glad to get this one, all in all i like this game, it could have a longer story, and i also believe if not an AVP open world game then hopefully 1 like Prototype, Fallout or somthing like that for either Aliens or Predator, where it's kind of an RPG where u rise up the ranks of a predator to an Elite Predator....not an MMORPG but an actual RPG w/ a story, and i mean a really good story and everything...hopefully someone will use my idea or someting...if i could make video games, i would wanna make this one


you know what? that is a good idea. i have always wanted an open world avp game. what do you think of an open world alien game? you get to choose between warrior, drone, runner, or even a queen. i don't know what the story would be, though.


Any of you guys ever played AVP Extinction ? It works on the 360. ;)

To the OP, did you not think this game sucked, in story and characters and authenticity and fear, compared to the classic AVP game/s?
