Best Line in the Movie....

"I don't speak robot!", spoken and oddly enough written by a famous Van Dyke. I know what your thinking, but no, not Dick nor's SHANE! I think the Syfy channel should get this guy under contract and quick. I can see a bright and magical future for Shane and the Syfy originals team.


I think the Syfy channel should get this guy under contract and quick.
I didn't think he was that bad.

Actually, I thought this was better-written — and much better acted — than the earlier "Transmorphers". Granted, that bar is not very high; but, I certainly didn't think his writing was Sy-Fy Channel [Extremely] Original Movie bad.

Now: whoever wrote the earlier "Transmorphers" ...
reminds me of an old comic strip I read many years ago:
"Uncle Cosmo, why do they call it a Word Processor?"
"It's really very simple, Skyler. You've seen what food processors do to food?"


The Van Dyke family may not have invented nepotism, but they seem to have carried it to the level of an art form. Over the several seasons of his old show, "Diagnosis: Murder", Grandfather Dick had his son Barry as a regular plus guest appearances by his daughter and two or three of his grandsons — including Shane.

"The time has come," the Walrus said, "To talk of many things,"
Of atoms, stars and nebulæ, of entropy and genes.


Man has fallen and he can't get up!


Stupidest line: "it's a miracle they haven't spotted us yet!" Is there any suspense about what happens next?
