MPAA: brief smoking - Really?

The annual cost of smoking and obesity are roughly the same. So, when is the MPAA going to start warning us there are obese people in a film.


And it will look something like this: Rated PG for brief smoking and obesity involving teens.

. . . The Bones tell me nothing.


Well, you should be comparing consumptions, not results, shouldn't you? Next question: Is overeating likely to look 'cool'?! To be fair though, the 'costs' argument is a good one in the real world (see also alcohol).


Agreed. Smoking doesn't kill people, cancer and heart disease kill people.


God knows what they were smoking >))

All of this has happened before and will happen again.


I think they're smoking the drapes.


It's a little silly but I'm not sure your comparison to obesity makes sense.


That's funny. I knew exactly what he was talking about. I am a smoker but not obese.

I know how to get lost in lust, not because you should but because you must.


I believe it's been proven smokers are thinner than non-smokers also.


Yeah, the difference being, sitting on a couch smoking, and sitting on a couch stuffing their faces all evening with fat and salt. Lovely. :)


Exactly. Note "this contains brief smoking.." and then what about the foul language, bare buttocks/"make believe" sexual acts, murders etc. in just about every damn show on TV today? It just goes to show the lack of (among other things) imaginative writing talent in today's industry.

Given the current TV/film trends (nudity, language and violence), I don't see the point in any rating system at all anymore. It might as well be: kids OK (ie. NONE of the above) / adults only hardcore porn (close up sexual acts). Everything else in between is so blurred it's ridiculous and for those parents who care about it, requires a pre-screening of and/or lock on pretty much everything.

Prime time network TV is the worst of the bunch... what they are getting away with today makes the whole rating system a complete joke.


