I just watched it at home! Awesome!

Just watched this On Demand, tons of fun! So great seeing Sam Neil back and he is great in this. I hope he comes back for "Jurassic World." I hate how they cast that Bryce Dallas Howard in the new Jurassic Park... But maybe she plays an ugly Dinosaur then it would sense. Anyway back to The Adventurer, it's a lot of fun and the kind of film I wish they made more of. I hope they do a sequel (just don't cast Bryce Dallas Howard please).


Super agree, the movie was fun. Sam Neil is freaky cool as a bad guy. Okay, also, I totally agree about Bryce Dallas Howard, and by the way I don't think she's in the new JP, I think she's in the new SWep7


Hey, Guys. I really liked it as well. Do you know when it is coming to the BIG SCREEN?


Hi, I think it comes out Jan 10, limited release, NYC, LA, Chicago, Seattle. I'll post when I know more.


Thanks for letting me know. We do not have in this area Washington DC. I really wanted to see this movie. I will get the DVD Blue Ray. Yes I agree Sam Neill is a great role as a villain.


Well i am not sure how you would know Bryce is in Episode 7 because there has been no casting announcements yet - and it's bad enough she is in JP4 so I would hope youre wrong and dont have some sort of inside scoop on this because that would really upset me because i look up to JJ Abrams and i respect him as a man but i could no longer respect him if this was his taste in a female lead for what is arguable the most important cinematic event of not just our time but of all time.


I *think* it comes out in limited release, NYC, LA, Chicago, that kind of thing.


That's what I heard!







I just watched this after getting it on dvd (Here in the U.S. March 29th 2014), and I thought it was good.

I don't get why people give this movie a bad rap either. I didn't even see it come to the theater here.


I too thought it was great! I have no idea it was in theatres in the states.
