Incection 2?

What would you like to see in a sequel to Inception? Will there ever be a sequel? And do we really need one?
Feel free to share your thoughts.


No, no, and no. A sequel would be pointless and feel like a cash grab, which is very un-Nolan-like. It ended perfectly and remains a great stand alone in an age of sequels, remakes, and reboots. So again, no, no, and no.


Nah. If for some reason they decided to make another one (Money? For Nolan that arguably wouldn’t be a factor), I could *possibly* see it work providing Cobb is left out. Well, putting aside the chance that Cobb was dreaming at the end, fact is his story was completed in this film. Why not let him be at peace? Lol. Sure I wouldn’t be against his character returning, but a sequel would be better focused on the other characters.

With that in mind, while I will say the idea of seeing some of the old characters being joined by new members to take part in missions does appeal to me, Inception is perfect as a standalone and there would be no good reason to make a sequel. But how about a future tv series based on the film? I wouldn’t mind it, albeit Nolan would have to be involved.


Yes, a sequel where Leo questions his reality and comes to the conclusion that it must still be a dream. He decides to test his reality by doing something that will wake him... a massacre. “If this is a dream the shock of my action will wake me.”

He undertakes the murderous deed only to find that he was awake and uses inception as his defence.


Screw Leo and his crazy character, if they ever make a sequel I hope it stars Tom Hardy and Joseph Gordon-Levitt!

I like them both as actors, particularly Hardy, and quite frankly I liked them both better than the drippy DiCaprio character. Give them a story about a rival firm invading their dreams and ruining everything there or something, they'd make it work.


They could do a stand-alone called Extraction with the same team minus Cobb since his storyline is complete. It would have to be a particularly difficult job to warrant a new film though.
