This guy's parents...

What I found really sad was that Karthik's parents just ignored his problem completely. They might have thought he was just playing games, but come on, if a child vehemently insists that his "brother" is following him around tormenting him, that's a HUGE alarm bell. They could have talked to him, taken him to see someone, and maybe his problem wouldn't have been so severe as to lead up to the phone calls.


Weren't they rural Indians? How much medical knowledge would they have? And, moreover, kids do have imaginary companions, especially only kids. My niece invented a female friend she called Kari Sister. My niece turned out totally normal and sane. Could easily be that the second personality didn't even exist at that time. Jung said we often create a second self for the negative urges we experience. It is abnormal to lose consciousness of this created self, but it is not rare to have it. It is what ultra-guilty people do, a way not to face the agony of guilt, create a scapegoat.

Koch and Coke: Oligarchy Goons
